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"The only love that feels like love is the doomed kind. (Fun Fact)."
—Jenny Offill | 'The Dept. of Speculation'

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"I never wanted you; not really. But then I saw you standing there in that little white dress with the grass stains on the hem and suddenly you became the most precious thing in the world to me. When I first shifted I promised myself that if I ever met you, I would ignore you -ignore the connection, ignore the imprint. If it was the last thing I did, I wouldn't drag you into this god-forsaken mess I was born a part of because by-god if there's one thing I can do right it's push people away. But I'm tired of pushing. I'm tired of tucking my tail between my legs and running for the hills. So from hereon out, I'm done. And when I look into your pretty blue eyes next, if you'll let me, I want to lose myself in them."
—Paul Lahote to Bailey Swan (in a voicemail to rectify a heartbreak)


Girls like her weren't supposed to fall for boys like him. She was too soft -too sweet- and he was too angry. He would hurt her; it was inevitable. But he didn't want to. He never wanted to.

And that was all that really mattered.

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The accompanying chapters may contain the following:
mature themes, mature language, mild sexual content, detailed descriptions of blood and/or gore and/or death as well as mentions of (fictional) racism (i.e. Vampire vs. Werewolf) and sexism. Note: Read at your own risk.

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All characters/dialogue/plots aside from those associated with Bailey and her respective family/friends do not belong to me but rather Stephanie Meyer and director Bill Condon instead. Furthermore, as the following story is listed as a fanfiction, the novels in The Twilight Saga (as well as their respective motion picture films) and their respective plots/storyline/dialogue do not belong to me either. Again, this story is a fanfiction and is therefore meant to be read as such.

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This is a Paul Lahote fanfiction written by yours truly. My original character Bailey Swan as well as her respective personality, plot, and storyline were all created by myself and myself alone. Parallels may be found between my book and others I've written as well as others I've read. In conjunction, this story may contain references to said books alongside drawing the majority of its content from author Stephanie Meyer's series: The Twilight Saga and its coinciding motion picture films. Contrastingly (again) this story is a work of fiction and is therefore meant to be read as such. Note: Plagiarism will not be tolerated and will result in immediate action taken as deemed necessary.

[ © -Vanillarain13 ]

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