Forty Four | Sweet Alyssum

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"I want nothing to happen but you. You are everything.
I want so much of you."
—Elizabeth Bowen | 'The Last September'

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"Wrenny doesn't want to see you right now," Jared announced as he blocked the open door to his girlfriend's house. His broad shoulders stretched from frame to frame and he glared at the boy who knocked. "She's too busy having the time of her life with my wonderful Imprint Kim to bother messing with the likes of you."

Rolling his eyes in aggravation, Paul huffed and shot his fellow pack member a poisonous glare that — if looks could kill — would've sent the jesting boy roughly six feet under. "I thought I told you not to call her that."

"Well would you rather I call her something else instead?" Jared taunted. His lips curled up in a wicked smirk as he anticipated his next words. "Something like, oh I don't know, 'baby' perhaps?"

"Do it, Cameron, and I'll break that ugly mug you call a face in two seconds flat." Paul growled.

Chuckling, Jared stepped out of the doorway and let the irritated hot-head pass through the threshold. "I wouldn't let Little Wrenning-bird hear you say that. The two of us bonded something fierce last night and let me just tell you... if there's anybody's name on the top of her 'you fucked up royally list', well, just know that yours is highlighted in red."

"Shut up," Paul grumbled, handsome features scrunched in displeasure. He tried to stave off the dread Jared's words evoked but found the effort proved futile. Doubt plagued his mind and it made his back go rigid.

The night before was a blur at best. All Paul really remembered was Bailey crying into his chest and her sister saying something that set him off and then the next thing he knew, Sam was slamming his furry body into every tree south of the Rez and yelling at him through the pack link to just 'calm the hell down already'. They had growled and they had fought and the whole experience had reminded Paul of when he'd first shifted and it had taken Sam the better part of four hours to placate his anger long enough to shift back and respond to reason. Back then, he hadn't known what was happening. Now though, he was well aware he should've known better.

On the other hand, Paul's punishment was something he remembered vividly. When Sam had finally managed to get him to stop trying to attack, he had yelled and scolded him in the way only an Alpha could. Then, after ignoring all of his pleas to see Bailey in attempts to make amends, Sam had sent him off with a hard glare. 'You're on patrol for the rest of the night', he'd ordered sternly, seemingly deaf to Paul's incessant arguing otherwise. 'If you can't control your anger the sensible way, then I'm gonna run it out of you my way.' And after using his Alpha cadence to ensure Paul had no choice but to obey him, he taunted him with one last smirk before turning on his heel. 'Now I'm gonna go home to my girl and grovel for skipping out on movie night early.' He paused and looked back at Paul from over his shoulder. 'In the morning, I suggest you do the same.'

Which led Paul to where he was now: body sore and aching beyond belief, but head cleared and filled with remorse.

"Is she really that mad?" He asked his pack brother quietly.

Jared shook his head. "Nah, man. More disappointed if anything. I think she really wanted you to be there to hold her last night but don't worry, Kim and I picked up your slack."

Paul bristled and simultaneously felt his heart pang in his chest. I should've been there, he thought, a clear picture of Bailey's red face and glistening eyes manifesting in the forefront of his mind. I should've been there to hold her instead of them. But the damage was done and he couldn't take it back now, so he opted for growling lowly instead: "Somehow that doesn't make me feel any better."

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