Graduation: Tamaki

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You, Tamaki, and Kyoya have just graduated. Mori and Hunny graduated the year before, and Haruhi and the twins will be graduating next year. The students run outside and cheer. High school is finished for them. Tamaki chats for Kyoya with a bit, until Kyoya's pulled away by Haruhi who wants to spend some time with him. Alone. Tamaki understands, playfully rolling his eyes and saying "Girlfriends." He then looks around for you, seeing that you're spraying paint on the school building.

He walks over and places his hands on his hips. "Really (Y/N)? I thought you were done with this kind of thing. And what happened to wanting to not be a troublemaker for school?" You shrug. "Kyoya already promised me a job at one of the Ootori hospitals. All I have to do is attend college and get decent grades. They won't care if I get suspended or arrested. As long as I don't commit a felony, of course. Besides, this graffiti isn't vulgar. It's pretty and uplifting."

Tamaki looks at your finished work. It was a pink and blue glittery bubble that had the words 'You Are All Beautiful And Unique' inside it. He smiled. "I don't think my dad would mind this. He might even keep it. Y'know, if being a doctor doesn't work out, you could always become a mural painter for schools." You hum in thought. "It's tempting. I'll probably minor in mural painting in college."

You kiss him and grab his hand, tugging him along as you run. "Why are we running?" You grin back at him. "I may or may not have painted your dad's office with green glitter. Everywhere. Including the furniture." His eyes widen and he hears his dad's voice. "TAMAKIII! (Y/N)!!" The two of you run, laughing, as Mr. Souh chases after you, covered in green glitter.


A/N: I know it was short, but it's cute. I think. Please like my stories. 0~0

Anywho, bye~ 

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