Pregnancy & Babies: Kyoya

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Finding Out:

You carefully walk over to your husbands office, gently knocking on the door. You hear a loud sigh. "Who is it?" You shyly open the door and see Kyoya's face immediately brighten up. "(Y/N). Sorry if I sounded rude just now. I'm tired and forgot to tell the servants today to not bother me today, so I thought it was one of them at first. Come here." You walked over to him and he sat you in his lap, kissing your face. "Was there something you wanted to tell me?" You nuzzle your face into his neck and mumble "I'm pregnant..." He looks at you in slight surprise, but then it turns into a happy smile. "That's great! We're going to have a baby~!" You smile and kiss him, happy about the new addition to the family along the way.

After Giving Birth:

You gently held the baby girl in your arms, smiling as she cooed. You look at Kyoya, who looked equally shocked and happy. You smile and ask "Do you want to hold Miyuki?" He nods and carefully takes her, looking down at the now giggling baby. He smiles softly. "She's a beautiful baby. She has your eyes." You giggle. "And it looks like she'll have your hair." Kyoya sits next to you and you both gently hold Miyuki, smiling at the new addition.

1 Year:

Kyoya had taken a break from his work, and was currently feeding Miyuki. Or at least trying to. The little girl would turn her head away and scream anytime the food came near her face. Kyoya sighs and looks at you. "She absolutely hates (least favorite food) just like you." You give him a 'wtf?' face. "I told you not to buy that. But you never listen. You always try to feed her it. This is why I'm her favorite." Your husband scoffs at you. "You're not her favorite." You get up and throw away the yucky food, turning to get (some sort of yummy fruit). You give it to Miyuki and she grins and giggles, pulling you down to give you a kiss on the cheek. "Dank you Mama~!" You smirk at the man next to you, pushing up your glasses. "I'm her favorite."

2 Years:

Miyuki was jumping on her bed, giggling cutely. You walk in and pick her up. "What did I say last time?" She looked down in shame. "Don't jump on the bed..." You nod and set her down. "Now behave. Okay?" She nods and looks as you walk out of the room, making sure you're down the hall before jumping on her bed again. Kyoya walks in, staring in disapproval. "Miyuki? What did I say last time?" She stops, staring at her father. "Don't get caught." He smiles and scoops her up into a hug. "Yes~! You're so smart, Miyuki-chan~!" You lean on the doorway, scaring them both as you spoke. "Kyoya, what are teaching our daughter?" He sweat-drops, knowing he's in trouble.

Starting School:

You wanted to take Miyuki to school with just a regular car, but Kyoya insisted on taking the limo, with bodyguards, to show everyone to mess with her or they're families companies will be ruined. So, little Miyuki stepped out of the '67 Impala with the help from Kyoya and you, bodyguards standing on either side. Kyoya bends down and hands her a tiny blue cellphone. "If someone bullies you, or you get hurt, call either me or Mommy. If you can't get ahold of us, call the third number, which is your personal bodyguard, Tom. If you can't get ahold of him for some reason, then call Uncle Tamaki and Aunt Haruhi. One of them will definitely pick up. Okay?" She nods, kissing his cheek, then kissing yours, and skipping off to class as she waves goodbye.

Starting High School:

Miyuki had started school at Ouran Academy. She had heard about the legendary Host Club, and went to it just to see the pictures of the founders. She nearly choked when she saw that her DAD and UNCLE TAMAKI had been the two founders. Tamaki being the president, Kyoya being the vice president. And Aunt Haruhi was a part of it too! Now all the jokes about crossdressing and vases suddenly made sense. And was that...? Her mom had hung around the Host Club?! Well, that made sense, seeing as how a club is how they met and became a couple. Wow. Miyuki was now the talk of the school, and she even decided to start a Hostess Club, managing to be both president and vice president. She was something.

First Boyfriend:

You didn't like him. Kyoya didn't like him. All of the original members of the Host Club didn't like him. But Miyuki was happy. At least he thought she was. But the relationship was stressful on her, and she would often cry in her bedroom after school. Eventually she realized he was only using her because she was the daughter of the head of the Ootori business. She dumped him within seconds after that, and then went out to hang with her friends. She became a total boss lady, managing to be like both parents. Intelligent, calculating, and multitask friendly like her father. Flirty, headstrong, and quick-witted like you. She was a force to be reckoned with.

In Conclusion:

You and Kyoya's baby girl is now a badass boss lady and is the perfect mix of you two. You have been blessed. *throws sparkles*

Ouran Host Club X Reader: A Little Bit Crazyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن