Pregnancy & Babies: Kaoru

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Finding Out:

You run through the mansion (the one Kaoru insisted on living in because he wants to spoil you) running up to your husband who was on a call with the company who provided the fabric for his fashion lines. (He had become a famous fashion designer along with his brother.) "KAORU~~~~~~!" He looked at you as you hugged him with a large grin on your face. "What is it (Y/N)?" You shoved the pregnancy test in face, practically vibrating with happiness. His eyes widened and he gasped. "Sorry Mrs. Noir; I have to go. Call Hikaru to finish this up, please." He ended the call and picked you up, kissing you. "We're having a baby~!" You laughed wholeheartedly with him. "I really hope it's twins." You smile as both you and Kaoru place your hands on your stomach.

After Birth:

You had given birth to a healthy and beautiful baby girl. You were supposed to have two, but sadly, the other one was a stillborn. You would have gone crazy and cried yourself to near death, but you had Kaoru and Chinatsu-Hana. You had given your daughter both names you were planning on giving the girls. 'Chinastu'- a thousand springs; 'Hana'-flower. You look at Kaoru, who's holding your hand tightly and looking at you worriedly. "It'll be fine. We have a lovely daughter, and each other. We'll be fine." He simply nodded and kissed you sweetly.

1 Year:

Chinatsu-Hana was a giggly and curious baby. She would crawl around, sometimes walking, and just giggle at everything. But she would gasp and run off whenever she saw anyone other than family (includes the Host Club, because those people are family, okay?). She was shy of the servants, other than her nanny. But other than that, she LOVED to crawl all over you, Daddy Kaoru, Uncle Hikaru, Uncle Tamaki, Uncle Hunny, Uncle Mori, Aunt Haruhi, and even Uncle Kyoya. Yes, the shadow king let your daughter use him as a jungle gym when he visited. He tried being annoyed, but always laughed because Chinatsu-Hana found out he was ticklish. The whole Host Club found her adorable, and often brought their kids over for playdates.

2 Years:

She could walk, run, talk in full sentences, was potty-trained, already reading by herself, and was extremely curious as always. So it was chaos. Especially since she's so spoiled. (Mostly Kaoru's fault.) She would run around the mansion and pick up things, then throw a tantrum and cry when she got in trouble. Kaoru would always let her off easy, but you didn't buy any of that bs. You threw mini tantrums yourself sometimes to get something you really want, or when you're not getting enough attention from Kaoru, so you knew what this little girl was doing. Playing all innocent, but as soon as you would lift your brow, she shut up. Cuz she knew that look meant she was actually in trouble. When she saw that look, she sighed and rolled her eyes (Yes, your two-year-old knows what attitude is.) and then hand over whatever it was she picked up, then skip off to her room to color pretty pictures on glitter paper. She's a real diva.

Starting School:

Of course your husband would let your five-year-old get a $700 cellphone for emergencies. Of course your daughter would change up the school uniform and bedazzle it. Of course she would wear her tiara to school. But at least she was less bratty now. When she was told she couldn't bring Princess (her miniature poodle) or Duchess (her hypoallergenic Himalayan cat) to school, she didn't complain or cry, just gave them hugs and kisses and said bye. And she seemed to be friendly to her classmates. When she came home that day, she said "I made two best friends today~!" You were happy for her. Then you found out who they were. Kyoya and Tamaki's five-year-old daughter you was even more spoiled than Chinatsu-Hana, and their 6-year-old flamboyant son who was equally as spoiled as his sister. The three of them were calling themselves "The Fabulous Force". You sighed and laid your head on Kaoru's shoulder. "Can't get any worse than this till her teen years.."

High School:

Your daughter, who's been going by 'Chi-Ha' since the start of middle school, is now in high school. She's of course the queen bee. But she's a nice queen bee, none of that Mean Girls shit. She's even president of student council. Her two besties are vice president and treasurer. They mainly focus on parties and dances, but they do a lot of fundraisers for the homeless and struggling too. They even got help from Aunt Haruhi when they made blankets and jackets and food for the poor. You would help every now and then, but Chi-Ha and her friends had it all under control. You were very proud of her. She was becoming very independent. But she still of course wore her tiara and bedazzled everything.

First Boyfriend:

Chi-Ha actually started dating one of Hunny and Mori's sons. They had a happy, cheesy relationship. It was the old school kind of couple-y things that makes your heart melt. While all of their classmates were glued to their phones, they were glued to each other's eyes and smiles. While everyone else was on SnapuChattie, they were video-chatting when  they couldn't be together. Most people stayed up all night on social media or games, but they were up late talking to each other, until one of them started getting concerned for the others lack of sleep, then vice versa. They were the realest couple in school, while everyone else was stuck in the virtual world of their cellphones. They ended up staying together all through high school and college.


Your daughter is fabulous, kind, and is now getting married to her high school sweetheart. You and Kaoru are very proud of how well she came out, and are very happy for her.

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