Pregnancy & Babies: Tamaki

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Finding Out:

It had been a month since you and Tamaki had gotten married, and you had been feeling a little sick recently. Tamaki insisted on taking you to get a check up. Kyoya himself had shown up to oversee when he had heard that his best friend's wife (also a very good friend of his) had come in worried. The results came back saying you were pregnant. Tamaki hugged you, but not in his usual overly excited way. He was gentle and careful this time. He whispered in a happy voice "We're having a baby, (N/N). Our very own baby." You smiled and hugged him back. "Yep. Lil' baby Souh." 

After Giving Birth:

You were tired, and had nearly broken Tamaki's hand, but you became instantly happy when you saw your little baby girl. Tamaki had the idea of naming her Narumi. It was a wonderful name. You were very tired, so you handed Tamaki Narumi so you could take a nap. The fussy girl blinked when she saw Tamaki, her fussiness turning into curiosity. Tamaki was crying with happiness. He had a beautiful baby girl with (H/C) wisps of hair, and violet eyes. And he couldn't be happier that you were the mother.

1 Year:

Narumi had started talking. Her first word was 'Papa'. But she still didn't know what to call you. So she would frequently refer to you as 'mmmm', 'mop', and 'feed me'. Tamaki sad she just had to learn the word 'mama' and associate it with you. You doubted this, believing your child will never call you Mama or Mommy, or even Mom. Tamaki started to spoil Narumi a bit less. Anytime she came to him asking for a snack or 'up', he would point to you and say 'go ask Mama'. Narumi started saying 'Ma' and eventually got to calling you 'Mama'. You were so happy when she finally said it. You made sure to thank Tamaki later.

2 Years:

Narumi had a new sister! Baby Rini! Narumi would often walk over to Rini's crib and sing to her. It was just little songs she had made up. But one night after you heard Rini crying, you came to the girls' room to find Narumi trying to comfort her sister. She had crawled into the crib and was gently holding the baby, singing 'Je t'aime'. Rini stopped crying and fell asleep. You stepped forward and asked "Where did you hear that song?" She looked up at you and said "I heard Papa singing it to you when you had a nightmare." That's right. The night before you had a nightmare that the man from years ago was coming to get you. You had the nightmare because you heard he had recently escaped prison for the fifth time. Tamaki had held you while you were crying, singing the sweet song to calm you down. You smile at your eldest daughter and pick her up, sitting her back in her own bed. "You're a great big sister. Rini is lucky to have you."

Starting School:

You were a little scared of letting Rini go to school a year early, but Tamaki promised that both girls would be alright. They had each other. And bodyguards. You kissed the girls on the cheek and they returned it, then they turned to Tamaki and gave him kisses on his cheeks. "Bye Mama! Bye Papa!"  The girls walked to class, hand in hand. You bit your lip in worry. Tamaki chuckled. "It'll be alright, (N/N). After all, Narumi takes after you when it comes to aggressive fighting. NEVER tell that girl to go to bed early. She's strong for a four-year-old!" You snicker and flick his forehead. "Or maybe your just weak for a thirty-year-old." He pouts. "Your so mean, (N/N)~!"

Starting High School:

The girls were treated like Queens. 1) Their parents were part of the original Host Club, 2) Their dad was chairman of the school, 3) Their mother was a doctor/model. (Yep. That's right. Cover girl of the year. And head doctor.) They were best friends with Kyoya and Haruhi's son. And Hunny and Mori's adopted son. (the twins were really sad when they found out they couldn't get married or adopt a baby together) The group didn't revive the Host Club, or make a spin off of it. Nope. They started the Memory Club. They kept all of the old photos and articles of clubs, and newer ones, and put them on display in Music Room #3, the old Host Club room. The Memory Club was created so people could see the history of their clubs, and see if they knew or were related to anybody who used to be in the clubs. Three people even found out they were cousins because they all saw that their grandpa, the same person, used to be head of the Kendo Club. Turns out he was a real player, and is rumored to still be one.

First Girl/Boyfriend:

Narumi at first couldn't stand Kaito. (Kyoya and Haruhi's son.) They often argued and he would tease her so much. One day he was being so annoying that Narumi kissed him just to shut him up. After realizing what she did, she realized why he was so annoying all the time. And the grin on his face made it obvious. So that's a thing. Rini on the other hand met a nice and cute girl named Sorano. They fell in love, but knew people still weren't very accepting of homosexuals. You and Tamaki of course accepted Rini, and adored Sorano.

In Conclusion:

 You and Tamaki's eldest daughter ended up marrying Kaito, and your lesbian daughter got married to Sorano in a different country. All happy endings because FLUFF.

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