Chapter Fourteen

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{Kane's POV}

I had just walked in the diner and sat down when a girl came walking into the room. She looked lively and confident with gorgeous hair in a loose braid down her back. She had on a salmon top that brought colour into her cheeks and jeans that fit in just a way that I wanted to grab hold of her hips. She looked familiar too, but I thought I was seeing things.


She looked stunning. She looked at the clock over the counter and made herself a hot chocolate before sitting down the counter past an older couple, right by the wall. She looked different today, in a good way.

She looked beautiful.

{Dani's POV}

I felt lighter as I went downstairs. Which seemed backwards because I had eaten so much this morning. I was so full I didn't think I could stand up. But it wasn't that bad. My sisters used to tease me for eating a bunch of small snacks all day long. 'If they saw me now, they'd tease me more, only eating one small snack a day.'

I grabbed a hot chocolate and sat down. I felt eyes on me but didn't look up, the hair on my arms stood up and I got an uneasy feeling as I sat by the wall. 'It's probably Lily, or Kat,' I thought. I had five minutes, so I just sipped my drink and floated back into flashbacks of my life before Hell.

When I took a sip of my drink and realized it was empty I got up and cleaned it, putting it back into the cupboard. I still had an uneasy feeling, but it was getting smaller as I began working.

"We'll see you later Dani, let me know if you don't want to close, because I will. Kat won't be around though."

"No, it's okay. I don't have a problem closing, have a good day."

I went back to grabbing two breakfasts when Lily turned back around, "You look good today, Dani, really good. Keep smiling."

"I will. Thanks." And she walked out. I felt good too, even making small talk with the customers and humming a little to myself. 'What's gotten into me?'

I made a couple more pots of coffee and brought them around to all the tables, and made more when I ran out, before going back to the people at the counter.

"Coffee Mr. And Mrs. Wimble?"

"Sure, and can we get pie too?"

"Absolutely I'll bring it right over." I smiled and brought them two pieces before moving to the next couple at the counter.


"Yes, Mrs. Wimble?"

"It's good to see you smiling. You look good today."

"Thanks." I poured coffee for the next couple thinking, 'maybe this was a bad idea, too many people are noticing me.'

The couple thanked me as I smiled and moved on to the next person. I was distracted as I was looking up at the other tables to see who had asked for a cheque, saying I'd be right over.


"Sure, thanks."

"No problem", I looked at the customer as I filled up his cup.

"Thanks, Dani."

"No problem, Kane." His eyes lit up as he smiled at me and picked up his coffee. I turned and made up a cheque for the other table. 'What a gorgeous smile.'

I couldn't stay focused as I picked up where Lily and Kat had left off from earlier. It took forty-five minutes before I had all the tables cleaned up, wiped down and ready. The diner was thinning out from breakfast and few remained. I swept and mopped, then did the dishes. I needed to stay busy because my mind kept wandering to the man at the counter. I just wanted to hear him say my name. I loved it, I couldn't help it.

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