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{Dani's POV}

"I do." Kane's voice was low and quiet but sure, it sounded as if he had decided this a long time ago, which I knew he did.

I have been completely entranced by Kane since I walked up the aisle. I didn't hear the words of the minister but after he quit talking I agreed, "I do."

Kane seemed to relax and I smiled.

"You may now kiss the bride."

Kane leaned closer and pressed his lips to mine, there was so much promise in that one kiss, it reminded me of the night in the gazebo.

We were standing under the arch in the gazebo and both our families and friends were here. It was small and perfect just like we wanted. I was wearing a simple dress but his face lit up when he saw me, so I'm assuming it was good enough.

After we pulled away we walked down the aisle and he pulled me into a hug, "You take my breath away, you're beautiful Mrs. Rider."

I smiled a huge grin and whispered back "You look handsome as well."

He kissed me lightly before everyone hugged us and congratulated us.

"It's good to call you son," my dad said and did that man hug all guys seem to have wired into them.

"Thanks sir."

"Dad, call me dad."

"Thanks dad," he exaggerated the dad part and I laughed as he brought me closer.

"Thanks dad," I said and he kissed my forehead before joining my mom.

I felt a hand on my shoulder as someone said, "Keep him in line."

I turned and saw Kane's dad. I had met him this summer at Jaz's house when they had a family dinner and it made sense why Kane and him aren't close.

His father is all business, everything revolves around the almighty dollar and he kept telling Kane to get a prenuptial agreement which Kane had told him off for. It was the first time I saw him get mad (the second being when a guy on the street slapped my butt and made some perverted comments-which Kane did not like. At all.) and we had left after the rest of the awkward meal.

"Dad." Kane's voice was short and he nodded at his father.

"Kane," I noticed that his dad never calls him son, as if they are two random people.

"I see you made it."

"I thought we could restart how I met your girl."

Kane seemed to hesitate and I knew he was wondering what the catch was, "Okay." He turned to me and his face softened, "Dad, this is my beautiful wife, Mrs. Dani Rider."

I held back a laugh at how Kane said that because he kept mentioning over the summer how he couldn't wait to introduce me like that. "And my wife, this is my father."

"It's nice to meet you," his voice had some of Kane's in it, but it was colder and rough, probably from the cigars.


He suddenly got really serious and I saw the sadness in his eyes and heard it in his voice, "Ma would've loved you, I'm glad you make Kane happy."

"Thanks I try."

Kane leaned down in my ear as his dad nodded and walked off, "You don't have to try."

"Nor do you."

Stacy who I have become close through the summer at volleyball walked up and hugged me, "You look amazing."

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