Chapter Forty-Seven

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Her head was under my arm and her hand was moving all over my chest on my shirt.

I didn't want to open my eyes seeing how this moment just felt perfect. Her hand roamed up and down my side too before going back to the middle. It got closer to my shorts and I stayed as still as possible knowing I was getting hard. Her hand slowly roamed up and she ran a finger over my lips. I grabbed her wrist and kissed each finger before opening my eyes and pulling her closer.

"Mmmm, you smell delicious."

She laughed lightly before turning to look down at me, "And you look delicious."

I was always shocked with her comments, I mean she was the most gorgeous girl on earth and thought I looked good? Boy was she wrong.



It had been a month since Kat's birthday and the detective had filled Dani in on everything that would happen a week from now when the trial started. I was glad he would finally be put behind bars.

In a cage like the animal he was.

In a cage like he had Dani in for seven and a half years.

In a cage surrounded by other animals.

I was hoping the other inmates found out what he did because I heard that child abusers don't go far in prison. I know it sounds cruel but he can never pay for what he put her through.

It's been almost five months since she escaped but she still flinches when she hugs her parents, even though we go every other weekend and other days they come down, and she can't hug anyone unless she prepares herself for it.

It's sad to see, and it angers me because I know she used to be outgoing and passionate about things but he took that away from her.

I will never forgive him for any of it. I know if he had come close to us again or try to hurt her I would put my hands around his neck and see the life leave his eyes, and the creepy part is, I would never regret it. Ever.

That sick bastard deserves to die, but being in a cage seems more fitting for him. Pay him back for the seven and half years that the most incredible girl in the world spent in a cage. In a worse cage than a jail cell with less food than prison. He deserved much worse, but I would take what I could get.

I also didn't want to risk being sent to jail because I wouldn't get to hold Dani, and I think I would die if that happened.

The detective was coming over today to answer any last questions and let us know about the trial dates. They were planned for next week but they can get shuffled from one day to another based on other cases. I wanted it done and over with because I know Dani didn't want to sit up there and bare her soul, I know she didn't want to see him again, and most important she was getting more nervous and scared as the day approached. I had no idea how to help her or what to do/say. Usually I did everything I could but this time I was worried too, and I tried not to show it.

I just wanted to take her mind off of it. Let her have some peace for a week. 'That's what I'll do. Keep her occupied and busy.'

I got out of bed and went to the kitchen to make some food.

Ten hours later I was leaving the house to pick Dani up from work. She was done in an hour. I wanted to buy her a scarf for next week though. Scarves bring her happiness and I know next week she'll need as much as possible when she testifies.

I drove to the next town over and picked one out and another charm for the bracelet I was slowly making for her birthday. I wanted to give her a bracelet that I could add charms to all the time, but wanted some to already be on it from the last few months because I know they will always be the base of our relationship.

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