Chapter Twenty-Four

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I woke up slightly refreshed. The naps yesterday had helped, but the nightmares last night hadn't. I only had four but I woke up in the corner twice, and twice lying randomly on the floor.

I showered and dressed before going to the balcony. I wasn't sure when he was coming over, so I wanted to be ready.

I heard a slight knock at the door and walked to go open the door.

"You're up early," I said as he walked in.

"Yeah. Figured it was a good day to watch the sun rise."

"I was just on the balcony, there's already a blanket there."

"Good," and he hesitantly grabbed my hand as we walked to the balcony. When we got there he sat down and pulled me close to his side.

'This is perfect.'

"I love watching the sunrise with you." He said and kissed my forehead.

"Me too. It's a perfect start to a day."

"It is." We were quiet again until Kat came to the balcony.

"Hey Dani, haven't talked in a while, how are things?" Then she realized I wasn't alone, "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt. Hi Kane."

"Hello Kat."

"You weren't interrupting. It has been a while."

"Lily is giving me a day off tomorrow, I was just wondering if you wanted to go shopping or something."

"Sure, sounds good."

"Okay, catch you later."


Kane looked sad and I felt bad for not asking, "I can cancel tomorrow if you'd like."

"No, no you should spend time with her, I've taken up all of it. I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry, I've taken up all of yours too."

"No, you've filled all of mine, it's different. And I wouldn't change it for anything."

"You fill mine too. I would've been bored out of my mind days ago, so thank you."

"I would've been bored too. I couldn't go to work, so it worked out well time-wise. And it's good to know you won't be alone tomorrow."

"I don't have to come today if you want your space."

"I don't want any space beautiful."

I turned and straddled him, placed a small kiss on his neck and asked when we had to leave, "In an hour or so."

"Okay." And I stayed where I was, Kane brought me close and placed a kiss on the top of my head, keeping me pressed against him.

An hour later, I moved to beside him and he looked sad, "I wish I didn't have to work."

"Today will be fun. I can't wait to see what you do, I really haven't seen much building at all."

"Then I guess it's good I have to work."

"Yup, it is."

I climbed off him and we both got up, walking to the kitchen. I poured two coffees in travel mugs, grabbed my coat and shoes and handed him one.


"No problem."

We headed to the truck, again he held the door open, before walking around to his side to get in.

"Did you sleep good?"

"Yeah, well okay. I only had four nightmares this time."

"I'm sorry Dani."

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