Chapter Twenty-Seven

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The day had gone by pretty fast yesterday. Kane had helped me close the diner and he ended up staying until just passed midnight. I had been fast asleep, but woken up four times shaking and kicking. One nightmare was the first raping, one was of the days he beat me in and out of consciousness, one was rolling on to knives as he threw me on the table, and the last was the same as the other night; my mom dying as I was kidnapped.

"Happy New Years Eve!"

"What? It's New Years Eve?"

"Yeah, the diner closes from noon today until noon tomorrow. Kat was supposed to do something tomorrow but it got moved a day back so I decided you can have two days off!"


"Don't argue Dani. Happy holidays!" And Lily walked back inside, off the balcony.

I was actually happy I had two days off because I wanted to spend more time with Kane. I know we spent every possible hour together but it just wasn't enough.

There was a knock at the door and Kat answered it before going downstairs, she had work to do with Roger before the diner opened.

I laid back down thinking it must not be Kane and jumped when hands covered my eyes, I relaxed, almost instantly, feeling Kane's presence.

"I can't see the sun rise."

"Well I'll tell you one thing: it's not as beautiful as what you see when you look in a mirror."

"Kane, the sunrise is the most beautiful sight, other than you, that I get to see. So if you're going to obstruct my view, it better be with your face."

He laughed but moved to sit cross legged in front of me, "Better?"


He smiled, "Good morning."

"Good morning."

He just kept smiling, "What?" I asked.

"Today's a good day."

"Yes it is," but I still didn't see what was different about today.

"Today is my new favourite holiday."

"Why?" I was almost laughing. Seeing Kane sitting criss crossed in front of me smiling like its Christmas morning.

"Because, I have an excuse to stay all night! I don't have to leave you today."

"Oh! Today is a good day." Because it was New Years Eve he planned on staying all night, 'Today might be my favourite holiday too. Might be? It definitely is.'

"I'm glad you agree. Did you sleep good?"

"Sort of, I hate to ruin your morning."

His face fell and he looked so worried, "How bad was it Dani?"

"I woke up four times. Three of them were usual nightmares, but... like exaggerated truths. And the last one was the nightmare from the other night, I watched my mom die again as I was kidnapped."

"I'm so sorry Dani. What do you mean by exaggerated truths?"

"Well, one was about the scars on my back. It started with him throwing me all over the kitchen and I landed on knives on the kitchen table, but it was a combination of all the days that happened. I probably landed on knives like six times over the years, but only ever one at a time, but the dream was all of them, sometimes two at once. It all happened on separate days, but I was imagining it all at the same time. There were two others too. It was weird."

"So all of it happened. So its like your days are jumbling together?"

"Yeah, almost like I've grouped them in my head."

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