Chapter Thirty

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We had walked out to the balcony to watch the sunrise a couple hours ago and it was just coming up as I woke up. It was amazing to wake up to the sun in Kane's arms.

"It's so fresh and crisp out here," I said as I sat up a little more.

"It is. This is the perfect morning."

"It's only just beginning."

"I like the sound of that," he said, placing a kiss on my head.

"Your aim is off again."

"Oh, my bad," he turned me and kissed me on the lips, "Better?"

"Yeah. This is definitely the perfect morning."

"It is," he kissed me again, "I could do this every morning."

I laughed a little but wasn't really laughing, 'I can't be that, I just can't. That is too big a step.' Even though waking up with him was good, there was no way I could sleep beside him in bed, 'it would be too much.'

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that," my laugh must not have been convincing since he saw through it.

"I know."

"Dani?" He sat both of us up and looked me in the eye, "I didn't mean it like that at all. I honestly just meant seeing you and the sun in the morning. Okay? Honest."

"I believe you Kane. I just over think things."

"I'm sorry. I will never push you."

"I know you won't, you looked so worried yesterday that you had pushed me into wearing my hair down."

"I was mad at myself for even making the comment. Are you sure I didn't push you?"

"Yes Kane. It really just became habit to put it up, and it's easier out of my face for work, yours and mine. I never really wore it down when I was younger and I resorted back to then I guess. When I grabbed your gift from my room, I was going to redo it, but instead I combed it. I don't know why really."

"I'm glad you did."

"Me too."

"Even if it killed me to have you on my lap with my eyes closed."

I laughed, "Well if you ever do anything, I guess I know your punishment," I joked and he rolled his eyes.

"Not even fair. That's honestly the worst thing ever." He started running his hand through my hair and we curled up together again.

"It was really that bad?"

"Yes. The anticipation was killing me, physically killing me."

"I know, your voice was so strained I almost laughed."

"I ached, everywhere."

I blushed and he looked apologetic, but mischievous, "Sorry to put you in so much pain," my voice was dripping with sarcasm.

"The outcome was worth it," he said as he continued combing his fingers through my hair, twirling random strands.

"I'm glad you like it."

"I always have, but it makes you seem younger and more free."


"And more beautiful."


I sat up and straddled him as he stretched his legs, placing his hands on my hips.

"I love you," it was so random and his eyes were dark and loving.

"I love you too."

"What would you like to do today?" He asked.

"Anything, but we have to build the table, and we, well you, agreed that we would skate with Kat and Lily."

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