Chapter Twenty-Six

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It was busy enough to keep me occupied and not bored, but not too busy either. It was a perfect balance.

I bussed off tables and put the dishes by the sink. I took orders and filled up coffees.

I made my way over to the counter and poured coffee.

"Coffee sir?"

"Sure. Thanks."

"No problem." We both laughed as our old conversation came back.

"Has it been like this all day?"

"Pretty much," I glanced at the clock and was shocked, "Its already passed dinner?"

"Yeah, sorry I took so long. I didn't know how to groove them and had to come up with an idea."

"No, it's fine, I didn't realize what time it was."

"So it's been a good day."

"Pretty much. I did have a certain someone running through my mind."

"Must be a lucky someone to have a pretty little girl like you, be thinking about them all day."

"I don't know, you tell me."

"I think they are the luckiest person in the universe."

"Are you?"

"Yes. Yes I am beautiful."

"And how was the luckiest persons day?"

"Okay, but I really did miss you."

"I missed you too. I'll be right back, do you want something to eat?"

"No thanks."

"It wouldn't be as good as yours anyway," I whispered in his ear before walking off, looking back I saw him smile as he picked up his coffee.

Two hours later there was only one couple left, and an hour left to go. Kane walked over and picked up the tray of dishes.

"Lily's not going to be happy she has to write another paycheque. I'll get it Kane."

"Does your wrist still hurt?"

"Only a little, just sometimes."

"Then I'm getting this, you really shouldn't be using it."

"You already worked today. This is my job."

"Just say thank you and follow me."

"Thank you." We walked to the kitchen and he put the dishes by the other pile, the couple asked for the cheque as we walked out.

After they left I cleaned up Kane's cup, "Would you like any more coffee?"

"No thanks."

I started washing, Kane dried and I put them away.

"We're a good team."

"We are."

When we were done we each grabbed a squirt bottle and a cloth and wiped down the tables. I had done four more than Kane but didn't say anything as I waited for him to finish the last one.

"Next time remind me it's a race," he said, I just laughed.

He stopped and stared at me, my cheeks got red and I walked to the kitchen. I hated when he stared at me, his eyes were so full of love, and I can't imagine why he chose me out of everyone.

"So what now?"

"I have to do the till, sweep, mop and lock the door."

"Well the door can wait until much later, unless you're kicking me out."

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