33. Deadly call

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By the time we had gotten home, I was completely irritated, and utterly frusterated with Tina, because, why did she have to be so needy all the time? I get that she wants to be able to hang out with both me and El at the same time, but she knows that we can't get along for s,hit so I don't know why she even tries.

I shook my head, making my way down the hallway of our flat and into my bedroom. El had gone shopping with Tina, so they just dropped me back off at home for the time being. Don't get me wrong, I loved shopping, no doubt- in fact, I was Tina's little shopping buddy most of the time when El wasn't around. I'd hate to admit that El had a good sense of style. It's seriously painful to admit, but alas, I only speak the truth.

Tina didn't really give me a choice as to whether I wanted to go shopping with them or not, but clearly there wasn't a choice, seeing as I didn't even want to be around El any longer than I was forced to during brunch this morning.

I made my way into the kitchen, opening the fridge to reveal a full jug of apple juice (one of the many things that Harry and I had bought during our grocery expedition). I took large gulps from the jug, chugging down at least one quarter of it by doing so. I wiped my chin with my hand, getting all of the excess juice off of my face.

I was in a funk. A mood in which I didn't want to do anything but lay in my bed and brood. I just wanted to drink something, I wanted to sleep, I wanted to do absolutely nothing, because I'd have to find a job soon and I was worrying too much about everything going on in my life.

One, I had signed that contract. Two, Harry was famous and going on tour in a matter of months. Three, I was sort of famous as well- not nearly as famous as Harry, but like, a runner up for Tyler Oakley for sure, not to brag or anything. Speaking of Tyler, we were supposed to hang out some time, because I really had called him back and made arrangements. All I had to do was figure out how I could hang out with him without the fans and paps assuming we were on a date, and that I was indeed gay.

Well, it was no secret to anyone that I was gay, but I could probably convince people that I was just bisexual, because I hadn't really clearly stated in any of my vlogs, or posts that I was strictly attracted to men, I mean, hey, I could like girls too, but maybe I had only brought up Harry.

Obviously I was only attracted to guys, but I was supposed to convince the public that, that wasn't true, and that I went for girls as well.

I taste vomit in my mouth.


I walked into the living room, plopping on the couch and switching on the telly, settling on whatever channel it was already on, which was in fact re-runs of Say Yes to the Dress. Tina loved that show, and I could bare it, I guess.

There were still boxes filled with things laid out everywhere on the floor, because we hadn't really gotten to unpacking a lot of things anyways. My space was always sort of a mess anyways so it didn't bother me, but I was used to Tina picking up after me most of the time.

My phone went off beside me- where I had set it down. I slowly picked it up, looking at the Caller I.D. it was Carol.


I walked into the office area, and turned left down the hallway like I remembered from this morning. Being here twice in one day just didn't settle well in my stomach, and I felt light-headed. I pushed open the door, swallowing the lump in my throat, and knocked on the grey door.

Carol opened the door, her lips in a tight line, holding no emotion. I coughed lightly into the crook of my elbow, then turning back to face her. "You wanted to see me?" I asked.

"Yes, Louis, please... Take a seat," she gestured to the leather seats like this morning.

I gingerly sat down in the plush seats, tapping my feet impatiently against the floor. "Where's the rest of your club?" I asked, mockingly.

She grimaced, "it's not a club, it's a buisiness."

"Same thing," I waved it off.

She shook her head, scowling at me, "Now, Louis, you know that we've put a contract in order with you, and it clearly states that you should not be around Harry in public without our consent, yes?"

I nodded, sucking in my cheeks, "yeah, and?"

She rose an unimpressed eyebrow at me, rolling her eyes, "so... What exactly is this?" She set down a magazine in front of me, the cover was a picture of Harry and I outside the grocery store. The caption read, "Harry and His Man-Pal... More Than Pals?"

"Another one?" I asked, because this was the second time she had displayed a magazine of the two of us today. "How do they even make these this fast?"

"That's not the issue here," she snapped, pulling the magazine away from me.

"Then what is the issue?" I asked, humorously.

"Well, there's not going to be much of an issue, because who is the girl you've been hanging around?" Carol asked.

Girl? Did she mean Tina? Because if she meant Tina, then there was no way in hell I would do anything with her.
"What girl?" I asked, playing dumb.

"This one," Carol held out a photograph of El and I walking down the street- it was a picture from this morning, and Tina was conveniently cropped right out of the photo.

"Eleanor?" I asked, quizzically, not liking where this was going.

"Eleanor is her name?" Carol rose her eyebrow.

I nodded, swallowing harshly, "yeah, why?"

"Because I think she'd be perfect for you."

"No. No fucking way," I shook my head, protesting.

"You remind me so much of Harry," Carol commented, picking through her papers.

I kept my mouth shut in a tight line, not wanting to give into her persuasion.

"If you don't want to ruin Harry's career, you'll do this," she said, looking at me for any sign of remorse.

I shook my head.

"Well if you weren't dating him, I don't see why this would be a problem."

I choked, "I'm not dating him, I-I, I just hangout- we're just friends."

"Prove it."



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