47. Leaving

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I got off of the phone with my mother, tucking it back into my pocket. Turns out my mother wasn't as blind to celebrity news as I thought she was.

She had called sounding frantic about how I was supposedly dating six different people, one of them being a boy. Much to her surprise, I told her the truth, the entire truth. I had to admit, I felt horrible, keeping all of this from my family, when all of the boys knew exactly what was going on and no one else did. I told her the story, how I met this boy named Louis and we jumped right into everything, there was literally no holding back.

Louis and I may have rushed things, but that's not exactly a bad thing.  

My mother quickly agreed and told me to follow my dreams, to do what made me happy and that she literally had no say over my life anymore, seeing as I was a twenty year old man, dating a twenty two year old man. I didn't realize that I was so attatched to Louis, I genuinly cared about him far too much. 

I made a quick twenty second decision to pop by Louis' house to tell him how my mother desperately wanted to meet him. Once I had arrived at his and Tina's apartment, I took the stairs to their floor, knocking anxiously on their door. 

Tina answered, toothbrush dangling from her mouth and shorts and a tank top thrown on. I nearly laughed at her attire before I realized that it was about ten at night, so I decided against it, figuring it would be mildly innapporopriate.

"Well, I could get used to having famous people stop by on a regular basis," Tina sighed, toothpaste, bubbling over her bottom lip while she blushed and raced back into the bathroom.

I stepped inside, taking that as an invitation to come inside. 

Tina came back with no toothbrush or toothpaste, "hey there, Harry," she greeted, raising an eyebrow at me.

"Is Louis here?"

"Nah, he died last week."

"Not funny, Christy."

"Ew, what a shitty nick name, don't call me that, ohmygod, that's horrible, ew, I'm gonna barf," she stuck out her tongue in disgust.

I rolled my eyes as she left down the hallway to probably get away from me, while she shook her head on the way.

"Louis?" I called, I heard footsteps come from the hallway, then Louis appeared with boxers on and a bowl of Fruit Loops in hand. 

I chuckled at him quietly, watching him flush and yelp, nearly spilling his cereal after taking at glance at me. "Harry!" He piped, swallowing some cereal.

I rose an eyebrow nodding, "that would be me."

"Why are you here - not that I don't want you to be here, of course," he asked, motioning for me to come and take a seat at their island while he quickly chomped down on the rest of his food, spilling extra milk into the sink.

"Am I not allowed to visit my boyfriend?"

Louis rolled his eyes, "really."

I sighed, "well my mom phoned a while ago..."

"Your mom?" He asked, sounding nervous.

"I told her," I confirmed, making him visually cringe.

"And what'd she say?" He asked, leaning over the counter. 

"She wants to meet you of course," I laughed, leaning forward to peck him on the lips, wiping his small milk mustache off the corners of his lips while I did so. 

He blushed, but came around to sit next to me, "I'd have to think about it, you know?"

I furrowed my eyebrows, "why?"

He chewed on his lip nervously, obviously thinking hard about something. He looked down, a worried look in his eyes. "Louis," I warned, "what's wrong?"

He let out a shaky breath, "well earlier today I visited Carol and like, I told her about our relationship and it was so obvious that she already knew, it was obvious, right?"

I scrunched my nose, "sure..."

"Well like, so I told her, you know? I was like, everyone know I'm gay, like, I'm publicly gay, right?"

"Right," I said, wanting him to continue.

"And she said- she said she'd end the contract because I was right, everyone knew I wasn't actually dating Eleanor."

I smiled, a real big smile, "you did it!"

Louis frowned, "but like... Harry, we still can't come out, it's not even - like, obviously we can come out, but then we have to worry about how that would effect not only your career, but the entire bands career."

"It wouldn't-"

"Harry, stop, you know it will and I don't even know what to do now, because like, we can't keep doing this."

"Doing what?" I asked, getting nervous now, nearing a breakdown.

"Hiding, Harry, I don't want to keep hiding, okay? It's not a noral relationship and you know it's not."

"Louis what are you saying?" I asked, whimpering. My heart raced.

He looked up, his eyes glossy, "I don't- I don't know what I'm saying, I just, God, I don't know."

"Louis, please, can we just, can please just not do this, please, we can figure this out, I don't know what you want, Lou - please, I just can't... I can't..."

Louis shook his head, looking away from me. I saw his hands shaking.

"Lou, babe?" I asked, grabbing at his hand, with my own shaking one. 

"Harry, no..."

"Louis, please, please, Louis, please," I cried, feeling tears build up in my eyes. 



Yours Truly, Louis- Larry AUWhere stories live. Discover now