39. Stress relieve

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I stormed out of the restaurant with fury busting through my veins. I knew we wouldn't be here if it wasn't for our fans, but honesly, they need to learn a thing or two about respect and privacy. How the hell are we supposed to sort things out ourselves if the newspaper and magazines have everything sorted out for us already? When I start to believe those things that the newspapers are writing about, I just have to get it back into my head that Louis and I are happy together and they don't even know the half of it. And when Harry and Louis starts trending on Twitter, what am I supposed to do? It makes you think that everything you're doing is wrong and that it shouldn't be like that.

I had been cleaning myself in the shower inside and out every day since Louis and I had started doing things sexually. I had to go through that entire cleaning process, just for it to be ruined by some snobby fans, this vacation was supposed to be a time for Louis and I to bond, to maybe take that next step in our relationship, and now?

"Harry," Louis grabbed my shoulder pulling me back to face him with just as much irritation on his face. 

"What?" I spat, ripping my shoulder away from him.

He glared at me, then grabbed my arm roughly, "let's not do this out in the open," he growled, dragging me over to the elevators.

We stood in the elevator for a good two seconds, the tension suffocating me. As soon as the elevator had stopped and opened up,  I was out of it, making my way down to our room, my fists balled up at my sides. I knew I had no right to let my anger out on Louis seeing as we were in this together and that it affected him just as much. "Harry! Harry, wait!" Louis ran in after me, shutting the door behind him. 

He had his hands placed on his hips with his cheeks sucked in, irritation written clearly on his face. "What? What do you want?" I asked, venom lacing my words slowly.

Louis rushed over, making direct eye contact with me, "look, Harry, I know you think that it only effects you, but-"

"I don't think that!" I yelled, pinning his shoulders against the wall and breathing heavily onto his face, letting my head drop, curls dangling in my eyes. 

Louis budged his shoulders, making me loosen my grip on them, then his hand was on my cheeck and I was looking into his blue eyes once again, "what is it about then?"

I sighed in defeat, the adreneline rush of anger slowly fading, "I just- just, I came here to escape... Everything, you know?" Louis nodded, understanding. I sucked in a deep breath then continued, "and now because some stupid fans got a picture of us... Together, now they're going to post it online, it's going to go viral and management is going to fucking call me and stupid Carol is going to nag in my ear, pestering me about how she wasn't informed about this trip and all that other bullshit."

"Hey, Harry, it's alright, we can make it through this, it's only a small bump on our journey."

"Do you not f.ucking understand? We're never going to have a moment alone, we're going to be followed everywhere and fans will be more suspicious than ever."

Louis nodded, eyes soft, "I know, Har, but we have right now."

I blinked, looking down, "I just- Everything is so new to me."

"It's alright, Har, everything is gonna be alright. We can make it till the end, I know it."

I blushed, "are you quoting our album?"

He bit his lip, driving me crazy, "hey, once a fanboy, always a fanboy."

I ran my hands up and down the fabric of his stupidly cute and fluffy cardigan, I started unbuttoning it from the front, while louis worked at removing my own sweater. All he was left with was a plain blue T-Shirt. I slowly ran my hand up and down his bare arm, then trailed it down to the bottom of his shirt. I slowly tugged it up and he shivered, "what?" I asked. "It's no fair if I'm shirtless and you're not."

Yours Truly, Louis- Larry AUWhere stories live. Discover now