Her Lady's man.

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He didn't know it, but she was that kind of stubborn and determined Lady, that nothing pleases more than to be right. She felt she owed Thomas, and that's how Thomas understood it, when he came to think about it later. But I can tell you assuredly that there was, of course, a very selfish aspect to her pursuing Thomas like she did.

She set herself at work the following morning. Asking questions here and there about the "proud man Barrow", raising people's interest - and eyebrows. Her father was gone, and she was very excited to be rid of him. People asked about her nose, but when she said she had a bit too much to drink and had an unfortunate meeting with a door, Henry bursted into laughter, claiming that it wouldn't be the first time.

Now let me tell you about the Lady Westforth. She was the wife of one of Henry's friends, somebody he knew from since he was a student, and with whom he reunited during the war. Lady Mary asked questions over breakfast, so there she was, explaining that she had just installed her husband, who was named Adam Herrington, and was the hair to the Vicomté of Westforth, in one of her country houses in France, because he was suffering from a kind of exhaustion. She was on her way back to London, where she lived, when Henry invited her to the party. Her father, who had helped her settling her sickly husband, had travelled back with her, but was eager to go home. She would leave the next day. She claimed that she longed to visit people again, and that this party had been extremely beneficial for her.

Miss Baxter told Thomas that Lady Westforth had been asking about him, about his position here, and had asked if he would be willing to leave Downton. Thomas was baffled. It made very little sense to him. So as Lady Westforth asked around to try to get a portrait of him, he did just the same with her driver, who gave him a terribly vague list of facts and picked his curiosity. That was the funny thing about this man. He seemed to be under oath not to say anything ill about her Ladyship or her husband. This is the portrait Thomas could gather, after much insistence and his own reconstitution:

The Westforth had a kind of reputation, though no one could tell if there was really any truth it in. They got married before the war, at a young age, and they had no children. They were famous for throwing parties in their many residences, parties at which the former Lady Mary would have trembled to be invited. People talked of those parties, but never enough so anybody could draw an exact picture of what exactly was happening there. People called them libertines and avoided them, while others praised them for their brilliance and open-mindedness. Even the Dowager Countess had heard of them, and she blamed their frivolity on the part of Lady Westforth's French blood, an heritage from her mother's side.

When Adam was sent to the front, Emma boldly set out to perfect her education. She was well read and knew a bit about several subjects. She started writing for newspapers and such. She was appreciated in much of London's intellectual society, and though she was known to have a rough relationship with her severe father, they seemed to have come to a peaceful understanding.

However the war had changed Adam, and he came back suffering from different conditions. They still had no children, which worried and angered both Emma and her husband's fathers. They wouldn't throw any parties and would barely leave their suburban house any more. Everything seemed to have changed.


"You see," Emma started, talking directly to Lord Grantham and Lady Mary in the library over tea, "I was shocked, shocked and outraged to find out that, while I was in France, my butler had taken the opportunity to leave us without any consideration. He just scampered, and I'm going back to a home without proper management."

Lord Grantham nodded sympathetically.

"I need somebody who is trained as a butler and as a valet," she resumed. "He'd be paid handsomely." She hesitated. "And I have had the pleasure of meeting Thomas -that is, Mister Barrow- yesterday, and I was most charmed. He is very skillful and I do think he is what I need."

Lady Mary and her father exchanged an astonished glare before turning back to Emma, who seemed slightly agitated.

"I only dare talking to you because I know from some of the staff that he had been looking for employment over the last years. I was wondering if you would agree to let him go."

She stared at them with the most expectant eyes.

"To me, of course. Let him go to me." She gave out a laugh so sharp that Lady Mary clenched her glass in fear of watching it shatter.

Mary repressed a chuckle, and noticed that her father was struggling to do the same. He smiled kindly at Emma, but Mary took the lead.

"You see, I hope you're not misinformed about Mister Barrow, that's all. He was a fine valet and I do think he will be an excellent butler. I just don't want you to... have him perform any other task. He would not be very willing to do that. We happen to know him well."

She cleared her throat, amazed at the speech she just uttered. Lady Westforth let go of a relieved sigh.

"Oh, thank you, I'm so relieved. I really don't see why he wouldn't like to come with me. I will talk to him when I get the chance."

Mary shook her head, but seemed to change her mind. "Well, if he wants to go with you, then we can let him go. Just don't expect to him to do any... extra work. He knows only what he is... What he is trained for. And we are rather attached to him. We wouldn't want him to find himself without any work or opportunity, should things change, or should you regret your decision."

Emma waved her gracious hand dismissively.

"Very well, very well..."

An idea struck her mind, and she turned to Lord Grantham excitedly.

"How about telling him that he can come to Westforth Place for a trial of four weeks. It would be for him to judge if he likes working with us. And of course, for my husband and I to judge his qualities."

Lord Grantham and Lady Mary exchanged another puzzled look at the mention of Barrow "working with them", and the judging of "his qualities" but agreed to the terms. After all, they wanted to best for Thomas, but the position of under butler was almost ridiculous in those days and age.

They set out for Thomas to meet the Lady in the library. She was determined to talk to him downstairs, but Carson found it quite inappropriate. She had cast the old man a funny look before climbing up the servants stairs, and Thomas found it rather amusing.

He couldn't believe that somebody wanted to hire him so badly. And he couldn't dare being worried that she might be a younger version of the Lady Anstruther, who indirectly robbed Jimmy of his job after sleeping with him. Thomas felt a cold sweat pearl at his temples as he headed toward the library. He had slept with the British nobility once, and it did him no good at all. But at least it was with a bloke. He couldn't make this Lady happy, even if she showered him with diamonds.

He took a deep breath and showed himself in.

Twenty minutes later, he had a new job. The money was too good to refuse, and the perspective of new adventures made him feel excited for the first time in years. He had to say goodbye, but this time his friends asked for an address to write to and blessed him with their warm best wishes.

The Lady had sat beside him, and said: "I saw something good in you Thomas. I still see it every time I look at you. There is discipline and pride, and kindness. My house is desperately in need of something new. But mostly in need of someone kind. Aren't you ready for a change?"

But he already had his answer when he heard the first sentence. This was definitely a change. He felt a new kind of hope fill his spirits. She said he had a month to get ready, and another month to judge if he wanted to stay with them. If she was an oddball, or if she tried to sleep with him, he could come back to Downton, and his friends would be happy to see him.

For the first time in years, Thomas thought he had a real chance. He wouldn't let that one slip away.

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