Full House.

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A month later, shortly after Christmas, Thomas tearfully left his friends at Downton to start his new journey. He found it especially difficult to leave Miss Baxter, but he knew now that his letters would be well received by everyone. He hoped he wouldn't have to return to them in four weeks, but it felt good to know he was welcome back if he wanted to.

He arrived at Westforth Place in the late afternoon. It was an old, big house, probably built around the same time than the Dowager's House, judging by the architecture. It was nothing like Downton of course, but the place looked beautiful and comfortable. The cab driver helped him out with his modest suitcase and left him feeling nervous under the thin grey rain.

Thomas went straight to the servants' entrance, and knocked at the door. A middle aged woman with dark hair and even darker envelopes under her eyes opened and let him in. Thomas was determined to make himself agreeable, as he promised himself and his friends.

"Hello. I'm Mr Barrow," he started with a genuine smile.

She eyed him up and down with her eyebrows raised and an odd smile on her face.

"Agathe Morin. I'm the cook. Among other things here." She had a thick French accent.

She gestured him towards the servants' dinner room, smaller than the one at Downton, but much cosier. He put his bowler hat on the table and dragged a chair in front of the chimney fire.

"Who else works here?" He asked, a bit worried to be stuck with this one woman, helplessly hoping she wasn't an O'Brien in disguise.

"You know, these days..." She sighed. "There is Tom, the driver." Thomas rolled his eyes at the sound of the name. "Esther is the maid. She doesn't live here." Agathe fumbled with a tray, laying a saucer in front of Thomas. "Hem... Penelope used to live here. We came together, years ago." She sighed again, louder this time. "She had to go a few weeks ago. It was difficult on us all."

"I heard about that," said Thomas. "Her Ladyship came to Downton without a maid."

Agathe shook her head, leaning forwards in a secretive manner.

"Her father. He got rid of her. He won't let her Ladyship have a new Lady's maid. Not unless she sets her house in order."

Thomas raised an eyebrow. What kind of family is that? He found it more difficult than expected not to pry.

"What did she do? That maid."

Agathe snorted rather ungracefully as she poured hot tea in Thomas's cup. He winced and refrained from grimacing.

"Never mind that, you'll figure out sooner than later how things go in this house. Or how they used to."

Thomas shifted in his seat, uncomfortable. "Do you like working here, Miss Morin?"

She smiled as she sat opposite him.

"Yes. No one is kinder than her Ladyship. We have been together for years. She came and sought me for my cooking. She brought us from France, me, and Penelope. After the war."

Thomas was relieved. However, one question remained. He let a couple of minutes pass in silence before asking it. He wanted to make sure it would have the expected effect. He laid back on his chair and lit up a cigarette, enjoying watching the room fill with smoke as he exhaled slowly.

"What happened to your butler?"

It was Agathe's turn to stir uncomfortably on her seat. Thomas held her gaze as coolly as he could muster. He wanted to make sure she would give in as soon as possible. After all, he couldn't have anyone question his authority among his new staff.

What happened to Thomas Barrow ⎹ Downton Abbey⎹ Explicit 18+⎹ M/M⎹ Gay ♥ FanFic⎹Where stories live. Discover now