Cocktails at Downton.

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Thomas served cocktails with Carson, Andy, and a temporary assigned footman, while the small party gathered together to practice the art of idle chatting. To everybody's surprise, Lord and Lady Gillingham had joined them for the evening. Lady Westforth had warned Thomas to watch out for her husband, worried about the consequences a bigger party would inflict on her husband.

He handed a cocktail to his Lordship, who grabbed it hastily, as if afraid someone would snatch it from him. He barely had time to gulp half of it down before Mabel Gillingham set out to walk across the drawing room toward him. She looked as if she knew him. Thomas saw his wife stiffen at the sight of her. He remained close.

"It is so good to see you! It's been years!" She kissed her Ladyship on the cheeks.

"It has been too long indeed, dear Mabel," Lady Westforth replied politely.

Mabel turned to Lord Westforth.

"Where have you been, Adam? Everyone was asking about you. The Duke is absolutely mad with worry. He does miss you so much. And I agree. It's been too long since we've partied together."

She looked at him expectantly, but he only stared at her awkwardly. Thomas wondered if he could even remember 'partying with her'.

"It's been too long," he repeated absently.

Mabel's smile broadened.


"I've been unwell," he said carefully.

He quickly glanced at his wife and swung around, noticing Thomas behind him. He cast him an alarmed look. Thomas took a step forward, ready to help out, not knowing how at all.

"Yes, I've heard. I was ever so sorry." Mabel said in a whisper. "The war... It was years ago, though. You should get out more often, enjoy life as we all used to. You are alive!"

She probably didn't mean it in a cruel way, but judging by the look of her Ladyship, she had said something rather hurtful. His Lordship's colours left him.

"Some things are more difficult to cure than others," her Ladyship said flatly.

Mabel nodded slowly. Something had finally dawned on her.

"After all these years, Adam," she whispered. "You must to let go of-"

"M-My butler," he interrupted, eyes as wide as tennis balls.

"Excuse me?"

"Thomas!" He called, waving him to step forward.

Mabel nodded politely at him, puzzled.

His Lordship leaned forward, his exquisite cologne reaching Thomas in a dizzying wave, who found himself almost gasping for air.

"My Lord? What can I do for you?"

Their eyes met. Thomas's stare full of interrogations, his Lordship's full of confusion. They remained like that for two interminable seconds, then his Lordship straightened up and cleared his throat.

"I'll get right on that, absolutely," he said, "just give me a second."

Thomas confusedly followed Lord Westforth as he left the room in a hurry, muttering to himself. He looked back. Lady Westforth feigned to admire the fine crystal glass containing her wine in very loud terms, but Mabel was still staring at them suspiciously.

His Lordship maintained the best appearances giving the circumstances, even at dinner, where Thomas was assisting Carson. Lady Grantham inquired. "What do you think of Thomas, Lord Westforth? Are you as pleased with him as we were?"

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