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Adam rushed outside in one of his frets of madness, with only one thought in mind: getting Thomas back. He went to the garage with the idea of stealing the car, but he couldn't find any key. "Why is there always something wrong with this world!" He brandished his cane toward the sky.

"Are you trying to steal your own car?" Tom asked, a few feet away.

Adam swirled around and slammed into the door. He winced in pain.

You have to understand that his system was free of drugs and alcohol, and that at his level being sober was the equivalent of having a nasty hangover. He squinted his eyes at Tom, as if he was meeting him for the first time.

"Who are you?" He asked.

Tom shrugged. "Tom. Have been your driver for two years. We met about fifty times."

Adam tilted his head, observing the young man closely. Cute, he thought. He offered him his most enigmatic smile. The young man turned scarlet. Just too easy.

"Tom, Tom, of course! Tom, I need to go to Yorkshire, now. Give me the keys, dear boy."

Tom's cheeks were still flushed.

"I can't do that my Lord. Her Ladyship said you're too mad to drive."

Adam scoffed angrily. "Her Ladyship said...? This is preposterous. And she never said that. Thomas said that. That arrogant foolish man."

He started swaying on his feet, moaning and imploring the sky with big mad eyes.

"But I'm on a mission of love!"

Tom shook his head with a sigh.

"Right. I'm going to drive you, Sir."

Adam stopped short. "That would be purely absolutely maddeningly fantastic!"

"That's my job, Sir."

Tom gestured at him to get into the car. Adam obliged, avoiding his stare.

They flew to Downton at what Tom felt was 70 miles per hour - but was really about 40 -, while Adam was crying that the car was too slow. and the whole universe against them. Hours later, shortly after his Lordship realised it would have been incredibly faster to travel by train [insert awkward moment here], Tom was that close to stop the car and abandon him on the side of the road. His impatience was nerve-wracking. But they were drawing close, and Adam was growing anxious.

"How do I look?" He asked, staring at Tom with a nervous anticipation.

"You look great," the young man sighed.

"Do I look handsome?"

"You are the most handsome, my Lord."

Pleased by Tom's answer, he couldn't help an avid smile to break upon his face. Tom flashed him a disapproving glare. "But you're... kind of an arse."

Adam's eyes widened in shock and he wriggled on his seat, offended. Tom smiled awkwardly at him.

"I'm so sorry my Lord. It just came out."

His Lordship waved his cane in front of the driver's face.

"Did my wife hire you for your honesty?"

"Sure," Tom replied, turning crimson again. "She hired me for my honesty."

"Well, then. We won't make a thing of it."

Tom couldn't suppress a smile as he heard Adam grumble something about too much freedom in his household.

They reached Downton shortly afterwards. Tom remained in the car as Adam jumped out of it, barely able to contain himself as he walked to the door. Carson opened with an inquisitive look at the sight of the rather disheveled Viscount of Westforth.

What happened to Thomas Barrow ⎹ Downton Abbey⎹ Explicit 18+⎹ M/M⎹ Gay ♥ FanFic⎹Where stories live. Discover now