3: You're Scared Of Her!

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^^ Pest ^^

We watch as Lenni climbs into the ambulance, and it's not until they're completely out of sight that we finally go back inside. When I'm nervous I pace and I chew my nails. It's a disgusting habit, and I hate it, but I can't help it when I'm in a state. I hear Pest clear his throat and see him watching me like I'm a ticking bomb. I raise an eyebrow at him and he runs a hand through his hair before muttering to himself about girls freaking out. His eyes suddenly go wide and he clicks his fingers before pointing at me.

"I know how to stop you freaking out! Want to know why the sheriff is scared of Lenni?"

I grin and nod, sitting on a chair and watching him expectantly. "Yes, I do,"

"Okay, well she threatened to shoot him," I don't believe him, and he obviously sees it on my face because he starts nodding really fast and sits on a chair in front of me. He leans forward with his elbows resting on his knees so that our faces are level. "Seriously. She held a gun up to him. She was shoving it right in his face; you should've seen him. He was a sweaty blubbering mess. I think he cried, and probably pissed himself too,"

"Why did she do that?" I ask with a chuckle. I wish I'd seen it; the sheriff was a prick.

He pauses and stutters for a second. "Um, you should probably ask her that. It's her story to tell,"

I watch him and something clicks in my head. "You're scared of her!" I say, laughing at him. "What did she do to you?"

He scoffs. "I'm not scared of her,"

"Who aren't you scared of?" The deep voice makes me jump and I realise there's a whole group of bikers stood in the doorway. I hadn't even heard them pull up, and from the look on Pest's face, he hadn't either.

Pest doesn't look like he's going to answer, so I do. "Lenni," I say, shrugging my shoulders.

The men all laugh, and one of them points at Pest. "Bullshit! We're all scared of Lenni!" He steps forward and I notice the patch that says 'President' on his chest. "I'm Jay. This is Skids and I hear you already know Smiler,"

He points to the men individually and I wave slightly, the fear coming flooding back. Smiler must notice because he shoves Pest off the chair he sits on and takes his place, leaning towards me slightly. I laugh loudly at Pest as he sits on the floor with his mouth wide open in shock.

"You fucker!" He finally manages to say, although he doesn't try and move off the floor.

"Oi! Watch ya fuckin' language!" I hear someone shout in an Irish accent, and my laughter doubles as I look up to see Skids wink at me.

Smiler hands me a pizza box, but after seeing that guy so beaten, I don't think I can eat, so I just shake my head. He pauses for a moment before nodding and putting it on the table next to us. "We've gotta head up to the hospital. Lenni will kill me if I don't bring you with us. So, you coming in the car with me? Or on one of these assholes bikes?"

I look at him for a second, wondering if he's actually giving me a choice, or just saying it to be polite. But then Pest jumps up off the floor, and the next thing I know, I'm being thrown over his shoulder and carried towards the door. "I'll take her on my bike," he calls as he pulls the front door open, and deposits me onto a Harley that's parked near the door.

I look up at him in shock, before nodding quickly and taking the helmet he holds out to me. I look over at the door as the others spill out, and nod when Jay looks at me with a raised eyebrow. He winks and I have to take a moment to appreciate how hot these guys all are. I mean, like model hot, every single one of them. Even Skids has that sexy older guy thing going on. I watch as Jay walks to his own bike, before snapping out of my ogling and pulling the helmet on. Honestly, though, every girl would look twice at this lot, and most men probably would too. A thought strikes me and I tap Pest on the shoulder as he settles on the bike in front of me. He turns his head slightly, and I lean forward to talk to him.

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