12: It's Not Fucking Funny!

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^^ Ash ^^

So it turns out that arguing with Jay isn't actually as easy as I'd thought it would be. Lenni has been avoiding him; she's been avoiding everything to do with the club. That's good in a way because it means that it's been way less stressful for her. But it also means that Lenni is never there to see us argue, so getting her to forgive him has been impossible so far. I've barely slept for the last couple of days because my mind has constantly been whirring with thoughts of how I can fix this. So the body slamming into the locker next to mine has me screaming loudly as I jump and spin round with my hand against my chest.

"Good morning!" Lauren chirps, a wide grin on her face as she sees my reaction.

"I hate you," I grumble, closing my locker and leaning back on it.

"Well, I don't hate you. In fact, I love you!"

"I love you too," I say, frowning as I try to work out where this is coming from.

She laughs and shoves my shoulder slightly. "I don't know what you did, or what you said, but I've had eight boys approach me this week about trying out for the dance team!"

I laugh and turn to face her with wide eyes. "Eight? Are you serious?" I laugh when she nods. "That's amazing!"

"What did you say?" she asks, moving to walk beside me as I head towards my history class.

"I just pointed out that they'd be dancing with sexy girls wearing almost no clothes," I shrug and laugh again when she gasps.

"Robin! That's like, sexual exploitation or something!"

I look at her closely but can tell that she's not really offended. "It worked, didn't it?"

I jump again as an arm is dropped around my shoulders, and look up to see Liam grinning at Lauren. She returns the grin and winks at me. "You still trying out this week, Liam?" she asks him, and I huff out a laugh. I know I'd nudged him towards the dance team but I didn't actually think he'd do it.

He nods though and pulls me into his side. "Yep. Robin persuaded me."

Lauren laughs again and turns away, waving over her shoulder as she carries on to her class. I'm about to walk into Mr Hawkins' classroom when Liam pulls me back again and leans down to murmur in my ear.

"This Friday," he says, rolling his eyes when he sees my obvious confusion. "I'm fighting. This Friday."

My eyes widen and I nod. "I can't wait!"

He scoffs and rolls his eyes again, but I think deep down he's excited to have someone other than Adam and Rafi cheering him on.


It's been relatively easy to hide the fact that I know the Bulldogs so far, and I've been far too complacent about it. I haven't reminded the guys about not making it obvious for a while, which is something that I'm seriously regretting as I walk down the school steps at the end of the day, only to be met with the deep roar of a Harley being revved. My head shoots up and I see Pest sitting a few feet away, watching me as I look around. My first thought is to be pissed off. As if him being parked there isn't bad enough, he has to sit there and rev the bike up, drawing not only my attention, but everyone else's too. My second thought is that something bad must've happened for him to be here, and it's that thought which has me rushing towards him, ignoring the curious stares I receive.

"Who's hurt?" I ask in way of greeting as soon as I reach him.

He pauses for a second before his shoulders slump and he looks at me apologetically. "Lenni," he says, and I step back slightly in shock. His hand darts out to catch my wrist and he shakes his head. "She's okay. I mean, I think she is. She passed out. She's in the hospital."

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