5: Are You Stalking Me?

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A/N: I know, I know. I am a horrible person. I'm so sorry for making you guys wait so long! I had a major case of writer's block and it's taken me this long to snap myself out of it. Thank you for your patience! Much love xx 

^^ Liam ^^

It's hard to compare the figure lying on the hospital bed with the one we found outside the clubhouse a few days ago. Although he still has bruising on his face, you can tell now that he's a really good looking guy. His blonde hair sticks out all over the place, and I see him wince slightly as he runs his fingers through it. When Lenni greets him with a joke, his face breaks into a grin. I see the split on his lower lip open slightly, and can't help but cringe, but he either doesn't notice or doesn't care as he and Lenni carry on with their banter.

I'm feeling pretty forgotten right now, so I clear my throat to announce my presence. I see Lenni jump and can't help but grin wryly as I realise that she totally had forgotten me for a moment.

"Right. You can't see her, but I brought Robin to meet you," She tells Banjo, and I chuckle as she points to me, even though she's just stated that he can't see me.

Banjo holds a hand out and I squeeze it softly. "Good to meet you. I've heard a lot about you,"

I shake my head before remembering he can't see. "It's all lies, I swear." I pull a chair up closer to the bed and sit down as Banjo and Lenni chat, only really focussing when a nurse comes over to tell him off.

He sighs and closes his eyes. "This one's a real bitch," he says, and I hear Lenni gasp, but the nurse just laughs and looks at me with a wink.

"Banjo!" Lenni is obviously fighting a laugh too, but she's ignoring us both as she tries to keep a straight face.

"I'm just playing, and she knows it. She sent Pest away earlier 'cos he was upsetting the other nurses."

Lenni groans and throws her head back, but I can't help laughing as I imagine the nurse - who is only about my size - ordering Pest out of the room. "What did he do?"

"Well," Banjo starts. "He was describing all the nurses. In great detail, including guessing their ages and measurements."

Lenni looks at me and I see her mouth twitch for a second before she finally gives in and lets the laughter out.

"So, what have you two been up to? I have to live vicariously through you," Banjo complains, shuffling on the bed again.

"Oh, you know, Lenni spent the morning putting me through torture," I say, shrugging my shoulders and grinning at Lenni when she rolls her eyes.

"Len, what did you do to her?" He asks, raising his head as if he's trying to see her better.

"Nothing! She's exaggerating!"

"She made me go to school!" I complain, and I'm laughing again when Banjo gives an exaggerated shudder. I watch his hand move towards his ribs, but he stops it before it gets there, as if he's trying to hide his pain from us. I look at Lenni and she nods slightly, letting me know that she saw it too.

"You weren't complaining when Adam was showing you around," she winks, and I grin at her, wiggling my eyebrows.

"Adam?" Banjo asks, and I feel my cheeks heat up.

"Just a guy who gave me a tour," I say, desperately trying to think of a way to change the subject. I'm saved when the doctor enters the room with a wide grin and a bounce in his step.

I listen to the doctor asking Banjo about how he feels, and although he tries to play it down to sound like he's fine, I can't help but remember the wince he made earlier, and the way he shuffles on the bed trying to get comfortable. I can't help chuckle at the way his face lights up when the doctor suggests getting him up. I move to grab his hand gently when he asks where I am.

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