6: Shit, that's hot!

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^^ Robin ^^

I'm nowhere near used to living in a small town. Everybody in this school knows everybody. Even the teachers all seem to know the students outside of school. My school in Atlanta was huge, and it was pretty cliquey. It's nothing like that here. At lunch, everybody just sat anywhere, there didn't seem to be a set table for different groups. Even the football players and cheerleaders were spread out, all sitting with different groups. Everyone had been friendly, even Jeremy, although it seemed more forced with him. Lucas and Scott seemed much easier to get on with and I noticed that they seemed to get on well with Adam, instead of ignoring him like Jeremy did. Something about Jeremy made my skin crawl, and it didn't help that the light in Stacey's eyes seem to dull whenever he was around. So when she asked me to go to Shelby's after school, I hesitated.

"Who's going?" I ask, trying to hide the tension I felt.

"Me, Adam, Liam. Oh, and probably Lucas; he usually ends up there," she shrugs, grabbing her books from her locker before turning round to grin at me.

I hold in a sigh of relief and nod, laughing when she throws her arms around me. The day's gone pretty quickly, and as she leads the way to our final class, I send Lenni a quick text to let her know our plans. "So, Mr Hawkins is pretty cool," I say, raising an eyebrow at her.

"He is. He's so laid back! I'm so jealous you get him as your teacher," she groans, shouldering the classroom door open as I laugh at her again. She sobers up instantly as she sees the female teacher watching us closely. "Hey, Miss Gold. This is Robin. It's her first day."

The teacher looks to be in her forties, and she's the first teacher who hasn't welcomed me with a smile. "I'm aware. Take your seats," she says, before turning back to her desk. Well then, she seems cheery. I swear all math teachers have the same personality! "Robin, I've got a test sheet here for you to do so we can assess where you're at." I tried hard to hold in the groan, but apparently, it was determined to escape, and she immediately fixed me with a scowl. "Problem?"

I shoot her the brightest smile I can manage and shake my head. "Not at all."

And to be honest, there wasn't. One look at the questions was enough to tell me I wouldn't struggle with it at all. I've never had to try hard in school, which is good because I'd never wanted to. Things just seemed to stick in my head without me having to try. I finish the sheet quickly, taking time to double check my answers, and raise my hand.

"Yes, Robin? Are you stuck already?" Miss Gold asks, the glare seemingly permanent on her face.

I grin, loving that she underestimates me in the same way most people do. "Nope. I'm finished."

Her glare intensifies as she approaches me and takes the paper from my hand. She looks over my answers and I smirk as her eyes widen slightly. "Right. Well done. Stacey will show you where we are in the textbook. Try and catch up if you can."

I almost choke when she sends me a genuine smile and I nod slightly, turning to Stacey with a raised eyebrow. Stacey shrugs and looks confused, before opening my book to the right page.

The rest of the lesson passes uneventfully, and before I know it, we're at my locker waiting for Adam and Liam.

"Okay, so wait," Stacey says, holding a finger up as she leans against the lockers. "You live with Lenni - who's your 'kind of' guardian - and her boyfriend, Smiler, who is a Bulldog?"

I look around quickly before shushing her. "I kind of wanna keep the Bulldog bit quiet. I've heard how Liam and the other guys talk about them. I just wanna keep my head down and get on with it, not draw attention to myself."

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