7: You're So Cute, Liam!

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^^ Rafi ^^

Running has never been my strong point. I've never really seen the fascination, and I've never really tried to be any good at it. So as I'm running around this stupid track, in the blistering heat, I'm cursing our gym teacher. The guys are all standing around in the middle of the track, waiting for the football coach to finish talking, and I spot Liam and Adam stood off to the side, heads together as they talk quietly. I pick up my pace to catch up with Stacey and nudge her with my elbow.

"Okay, is it just me, or are they up to something?" I ask, nodding my head towards the guys.

She slows her pace slightly - thank god - and watches as they look around to see if anyone is listening. "Not just you. They are definitely plotting!"

"What do you think it is?" I ask, watching her face carefully.

"I have no idea. Adam's been weird for weeks. His dad told my mum that he's been sneaking in late, and his excuses are always terrible."

"Do you think he's found himself a girlfriend?"

My eyes widen as Stacey laughs loudly before stopping and resting her hands on her knees to catch her breath. "That's hilarious. Firstly, he's probably the most awkward guy ever when it comes to talking to girls. He's hopeless, and I'd be shocked if he wasn't a virgin. Secondly, he's so hooked on you, I don't think he'd notice another girl if she was naked and gyrating on his lap!"

My cheeks burn as my eyes find Adam again. He looks up and waves slightly as he sees me watching, before nudging Liam and re-joining the others. "Shut up. Thanks for the imagery, by the way."

Stacey laughs, before turning when she hears her name called. "Hey, Lauren. What's up?"

Lauren is the captain of the dance team, and one of Stacey's best friends. We've spoken a few times, and she's nothing like Stacey at all. Her dark brown hair that usually hangs in the middle of her back is pulled up into a high ponytail, and her skin is tanned. She's always been pretty quiet, but I've heard her when the dance team is practising, and she can be pretty scary when she wants to be. Where Stacey is loud and bubbly, Lauren is more reserved, and nowhere near as boy-obsessed as Stacey is.

"Hey girls. How's it going?" She asks, smiling as she wipes the sweat from her face with the bottom of her shirt. She rolls her eyes at the whistles from the guys and turns her back to them.

"Oh you know, just slowly burning to death. I wonder if the heat will get me first, or the dehydration," I say, falling to the floor and lying on my back.

"Okay, Miss Dramatic. Here." She throws me a bottle of cold water and I drink it greedily.

"I literally love you so much right now!"

She grins and sits next to me. "Good, because I have a favour to ask you. You dance, right?"

My eyes shoot to Stacey who shrugs before joining us on the ground. "Um, a bit."

"Join the dance team."

"What?" I ask, my eyes going wide as I shake my head. "Nope, I dance for fun. Not for competition. It's really not my thing."

She sticks her bottom lip out and puts her hands together to beg. "Please? We are so stuck right now. It's just stale; we need something new, or someone."

"You should do it, Robs," Stacey interrupts. "I've seen you move. You'd be amazing."

I shake my head. "You've seen me messing around in my bedroom. It's nowhere near the same thing!"

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