16: Piss On Them

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^^ Jay ^^

"Is this really necessary?" Smiler groans.

I grin at him before nodding and leading the way into the shop. "Yep. You all insist on giving us escorts wherever we go. That means that when I want to go to Victoria's Secret, you guys have to come too. Unless, of course, you're saying that we don't need escorts now?"

"I thought you were shopping for Lena's birthday present?" Jay asks.

"We are. But we might as well pop in here too. Unless you want to come back another time, just for underwear shopping?" Lenni asks, a glint in her eyes.

Jay and Smiler share a look before sighing and following Lenni and I into the store. I chuckle as Lenni's face lights up and she heads to one of the rails. She looks up and waves me over, grinning when I reach her.

"So," she starts, dragging out the word. "It's your birthday soon!"

I sigh. "It's four months away!"

"That's soon!" she insists. "Any ideas what you want? Or what you want to do?"

"Banjo!" Jay mutters, covering it with a fake cough. He tries to look innocent as I glare at him, ignoring Lenni and Smiler's questioning looks.

Any further comments are cut off when a shop assistant approaches us with a smile. "Hi, there! Can I help you with anything?"

I smirk as I glance at Jay before turning to the assistant with a wide smile. "Actually, yes! I need to see your sexiest underwear!" I ignore Jay and Smiler's groans as I continue talking. "Something classy though. I want to impress my boyfriend!"

Lenni laughs loudly, before clearing her throat and muttering an apology at the guys, who look like they're both about to strangle somebody.

The assistant seems to be oblivious as she nods and motions for me to follow her. "I think I know just the thing!"

After almost an hour of trying things on and taking our time choosing items, we finally decide that we've tortured the guys enough and leave the store with several bags.

"I knew giving you my credit card was a bad idea," Smiler says to Lenni as she dumps her bags on him before linking her arm with mine.

"And yet you did it anyway," she laughs, sending me a wink. "Seriously though, what do you want for your birthday?"

"Nothing," I say, turning to look at Jay when he scoffs.

"Not good enough," he tells me, shaking his head. "There must be something."

I bite my lip as I think, but nothing comes to mind. For the first time since I was tiny, I can honestly say that I have everything I've ever wanted. Then a grin spreads across my face and I look back at Jay again. "A car."

"Okay," he agrees without a pause.

"Wait, what?" I ask, my eyes going wide.

"We'll get you one," Lenni says, nodding.

"Just like that?" I ask sceptically.

"Yep," Smiler says bluntly.

"You've barely asked for anything since we met you. Plus, it's your eighteenth! That's a big deal. So if a car is what you want, then I think that's fair," Lenni says, pulling me to the food court before I can gather my thoughts.

I wait until we're all sitting at a table with our food before bringing up something I'd ben thinking about for a while. I clear my throat and try not to fidget as I speak. "There is one other thing I want," I start.

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