03. An Idiots Walk.

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It's important to read the Author's note at the end and have your say in which celebrity will be cast as Olivia Lucy Anne and Mr Ross Stafford.


My Aunt was very pleased when I informed her that Mr Ross Stafford had selected me as his secretary. I may have missed the part where I threatened him. My Uncle, however, did not say a single word; he made this weird, animalistic groan and shooed me out of his office.

Don't worry. 

That's usually the sound he normally makes. My great and ever-so-amazing, note the sarcasm, Uncle barely speaks to me unless it is significantly necessary.

He barely speaks to anyone.

God knows what he does in that office all day.

"Olivia, I need you to go to the market," My Aunt yelled out as I descended the spiral staircase. "We need some more milk! Since our milkman is sick. Ask if Farmer Davies has any."

A normal person would likely have told my Aunt to get it herself, but I value my life.

I huffed, grabbing my jacket from the hanging area located next to the large chimney. "Yes, ma'am."

I slipped my arms into the jacket. I felt the softness of the fabric against my skin. In a hurry, I darted down the long, dimly lit corridor that led to the front door. As I stepped outside, I looked up at the sky, which was draped in thick, dark clouds. I could feel a cool breeze blowing, and I knew it was time to put on my black knee-high boots. Zipping them up, I felt a sense of comfort and protection from the potential rain that was looming overhead.

My Uncle's house looks so out of place. We're surrounded by tall apartment buildings, and well, compared to the other structures. The house is like a hawk amongst pigeons. Actually, no more like bananas amongst tomatoes...Erm, you get the idea.

Anyhoo, guess what? I found myself at the library yesterday, eagerly researching Mr Stafford. Do not ask me why I did it. I just wanted to know more about my employer. However, As I delved deeper into my investigation, I discovered that Mr Stafford is the CEO of many companies, including but not limited to Stafford Shipping Lanes, Stafford Industries, Stafford Mining Company, Stafford Hardware, and the Stafford Knights. The sheer scale and scope of his business empire is truly astounding.

I might've well said he owns the entire business world.

Rich people are like pigs. 

They roll around in their money while the rest of us rot. 

Mr Stafford is probably the richest pig of them all.

As I dash down the bustling street, I can feel the five shillings my Aunt entrusted to me securely nestled in my jacket's pocket. The street is alive with the hustle and bustle of people going about their daily business, some walking while others ride in sleek carriages, their faces stoic and unemotional. 

The stark contrast between the rich and wealthy and the rest of us is noticeable, and I can't help but feel a twinge of envy as I watch them go by.

Black clouds gathered in the sky above London. I hope it doesn't rain before I get back. My Aunt would kill me if I got this jacket wet since it cost her ten pounds. Yeah, that's all she would ever bother spending on my clothes, which is why my Uncle told me to get a job.

You should've heard it. 

My Uncle actually spoke properly. 

He said: 'You're twenty-one years old. Get a job.' Eight words, he never says five, so this was a first. Even my Aunt's mouth fell open because he spoke to me. It was like Christmas had come at once.

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