05. No sense, no feeling.

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On the way to the dock, Mr Stafford permitted me to inform my Uncle and Aunt. He said, and I quote, "You have five minutes to collect what you require."

For some unknown reason, my Aunt seemed to be extremely happy when I broke the news to her regarding Mr Stafford taking me on a business trip. This pleased her so much that she was holding a ball.

Can you feel the love?

My Uncle, on the other hand, had concern written over his face. As shocking as it may seem, he mumbled just two words: be careful. Yeah, as I said, he's a man of few words.

Afterwards, Mr Stafford and I were on our way to the port known as West India Docks. The journey to the docks was a quiet one, just like my Uncle Mr Stafford, who is a man of few words. I'm beginning to wonder if my Uncle and Mr Stafford are related due to their lack of communication skills.

The moment the carriage came to a halt, my boss sprang out of it and strode ahead without a second glance. I had hoped he would offer me a hand, but to my surprise, he left me behind and was already making his way towards the south dock by the time I stepped out of the carriage. His sudden departure caught me off guard, and I was left standing there feeling bewildered and alone.

"Ms Anne, will you please hurry up? A snail is able to move faster than you," Mr Stafford growled over his shoulder. I rolled my eyes at him, then hurried behind him. "Do not roll your eyes at me."

I stiffened.

Does he have eyes in the back of his head?

Surely not?

"Sorry, Sir," I mumbled. "Coming, Sir." My feet carried me along the ground after him.

I almost had to jog to keep up. Two of Mr Stafford's strides were like six of mine.

"Mr Stafford, Sir? You are aware of the fact my legs are shorter than yours, yes?"

"I am. Now hurry up. The Captain is waiting to depart. We are on a tight schedule."

As I followed him, my eyes caught sight of a small boat that he led me towards. At first, I couldn't help but feel a sense of shock and disbelief. I mean, how could this small thing possibly withstand any rough waves? However, Mr Stafford reassured me that this was indeed the boat that would take us to our ship.

Ha, I knew that.

"That Ms Anne," He gestured towards an enormous vessel situated in the heart of the River Thames. "That is our ship; it is the HMS Powerful."

I wasn't paying attention to the name of the monster. My eyes were bulging out of their socks. This ship was bloody massive!

The towering vessel boasted an impressive four chimneys, each belching forth thick plumes of black smoke that ascended high into the sky above. Its entire structure gleamed with a metallic sheen, starkly contrasting with the traditional wooden sailing ships I had previously encountered. The ship's design was completely unfamiliar, and I found myself marvelling at its unconventional and awe-inspiring appearance.

"I don't understand, Sir, where are the sails?" I asked, rather gobsmacked.

"Ms Anne, it does not require sails."

"Then how does it run, Sir?"

"Coal, Ms Anne, it burns coal." He bluntly says with no emotion whatsoever present on his godlike face.

Oh, pardon me, how was I supposed to know that?

His eyes narrow at me, and his jaw clenched. "Ms Anne, do not answer back."

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