12. Outdoor Toilet For Ladies.

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This is more than likely the most awkward situation I have been in.

 Actually, no, I take that back.

Being in bed with my dearest employer was more awkward.

I stood behind Mr Stafford while he questioned his workers who were gathered before him. The pain in my lower regions began to grow more intense. I crossed my legs in hopes it would disappear, but when it didn't, I started bouncing on the spot.

My hand found its way to Mr Stafford's shoulder. I tapped on it a couple of times to gain his attention. "Mr Stafford, Sir?"

"What is it, Ms Anne?" He growled, anger evident in his voice.

Why is he mad?

I should be the mad one!

Mr Stafford looked over his shoulder at me. Blue eyes landed on me, watching as I bounced on the spot. His brows rose. "What seems to be the matter with you? Do you have something in your trousers?"

"No!" I yelled, causing a few worker's mouths to fall open. "I mean, no, Sir."

"Then would you stop doing that?"

"But Sir-"

"No buts, now quit bouncing,"

"You do not understand, Sir!"

His right eyebrow twitched.

Oh dear.

"Do not raise your voice at me; I am your employer!"

"You just raised yours at me!" I began bouncing faster.

"For heaven's sake!" His eyes rolled around in their sockets. "I do not like repeating myself, Ms Anne, now stop doing that!"

I'm surprised his eyes have not fallen out of his damn head yet.

"Ms Anne, do I need to give you punishment? Perhaps that will teach you to keep those thoughts to yourself." I gulped. "Now, what is the matter with you?"

Heat rushed to my cheeks. "I need a pee," I whispered.

"What was that?"

"I need to pee," I repeated a bit louder.

His lips turned upwards before changing back to a straight line. "I am sorry? Speak louder, girl."

"I. Need. To. Pee!" I practically yelled as loud as I could. "Did you catch that!?"

"Indeed I did, Ms Anne. I think the entire camp now knows you need to relieve your bladder." My eyes widened, and I took a glance around Mr Stafford to find the men all wearing amused expressions.

Why that bas-

"Ms Anne!" he growled, making me close my mouth. "There is an outhouse over there; you may use it."

"I wouldn't recommend a lady using that," one man who spoke English well commented. "She can always do her business behind a tree."

"No way!"

I am not going to drop my trousers and pee behind a tree with all of these men here, not to mention Sir Peter and his men are still around somewhere.

"Surely you have an outdoor toilet for ladies?" Mr Stafford questioned as Alexandre approached us with a grin on his face.

"Ah, but Monsieur, she is no dame," Alexandre said, shooting me daggers.

Why does this man hate me?

What did I ever do to him?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19 ⏰

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