11. Fat King Pig.

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While Mr Stafford spoke to Alexandre with both their backs to me, I took this opportunity to get see if my clothes were dry. Thank the Lord they were! I quickly got dressed and was just doing up my tailcoat when Mr Stafford turned around with his brows raised.

"Ms Anne," His eyes roamed my body from head to toe but paused at my legs. "Why are your trousers inside out?" Heat rushed to my cheeks. I glanced down to see, well, he was indeed right; my trousers were inside out. "You best turn them the correct way."

This time, I raised my brows. "Sir? But you are watching."

"Indeed," His tongue flickered across his bottom lip. "Hurry up, we've not got all day."

My hands began to pull my trousers down my legs at the same time as Alexandre turned around.

His eyes caught my action and widened. His bottom jaw fell to the ground, and his cheeks became flushed. "Mes Yeux! Je Suis aveuglé!" He cried out, turning around faster than I could blink.

Did Mr Stafford be a lovely gentleman and look away while I fixed my trousers?

No, he did not.

Bloody, perverted pig!

His eyes never left mine as I quickly pulled my trousers up and clicked the buckle. "Come along, Ms Anne, I am expected at the Logging Camp by mid-day."

I rode with Mr Stafford. He had made me sit behind him in the saddle with my arms wrapped around his torso. For some reason, Alexandre refused to talk to me; he did not even acknowledge my presence.

For a highly trained bodyguard, Alexandre is quite shy.

We followed a well-used road into a thick forest, then climbed a steep incline before it flattened out at the top of a mountain. Now, up the top, Mr Stafford sent Alexandre ahead to scout the Logging camp for anyone who could do us harm.

Mr Stafford, in the meantime, had me sit in front of him. I was confused about the sudden change in position. My back is pressed right against his chest.

We rode into an opening between the trees where several tents were set up and a building that had no walls, only a roof. A few men all watched as we stopped near the building.

Mr Stafford demounted first, and he whispered, "Stay at my side, Ms Anne. Talk to no one. This is an order."

"Why Sir?

"I do not trust these men. Any of them could be the murderer; therefore, it would be unwise for you not to be with me." I bit down on my bottom lip as he wrapped his arms firmly around my waist and pulled me off the stallion.

Now, on the ground, I looked up at him. "The head Lumberjack, he was-"

Before I could finish, Mr Stafford had placed a hand on my mouth. "Murdered, yes, do not say it out loud. We do not want to attract the murderer's attention, Ms Anne."

When I looked over his shoulder, I saw a crowd of men gathered behind us. "I think we have already attracted their attention, Sir."

"Alexandre is watching us, and so are my men."

"Men Sir?"

"Yes, they have been following us ever since we arrived."


Oh. My. God.

They witnessed my employer almost kissing me! And we are sleeping in the same bed together.

That means they also saw me—I swallowed hard—they saw me change into my clothes.

What perverts!

If I ever see them, I will tie their testicles in a knot around their thighs.

I scanned the surrounding trees for any sign of these men but found none.

A cough broke me from my trance when I looked over Mr Stafford's shoulder again; the colour drained from my face.

Mr Stafford's body tensed as he turned around, grabbing me by the waist in the meantime and pulling me to his side.

"What a pleasant surprise." Grey eyes bore deeply into my own. "What brings you two out this way?"

"That is none of your business," Mr Stafford snapped. "However, since this is my Logging Camp, what is a Soldier of Brittian doing here?"

"I am on a mission from the King and Queen." Was Sir Peter's response. "British conveyors have been attacked by bandits in the area. The Royals sent us to rid the lands of these scandals." he pointed to the right, and both Mr Stafford and I followed his ugly finger.

There were at least fifty soldiers dressed in British outfits standing around the area, some leaning against trees.

How did I not see them when we came in?

Surely I am not that blind?

"I care not for what your purpose is; now leave my land at once, Peter."

"Ah, you are always so charming," Sir Peter's eyes flickered to me. "One must wonder how a woman puts up with this man."

Don't worry, I also wonder that myself.

I've already come to the conclusion my dear boss is a cocky, arrogant, fat King of all pigs.

"Ms Anne!" My mouth slammed closed while Sir Peter burst out laughing.

"Ross, where did you pick this girl up? and does she have a sister?" Sir Peter said, wiping under his eyes because tears of laughter had fallen.

I crossed my arms over my chest. "No, I do not have a sister, and even if I did, I would not let her even look at such a man as yourself, Sir Peter. You are indeed very-"

"That is enough!" Mr Stafford pulled me away from Sir Peter, who was still laughing. "What has gotten into you, Ms Anne?"

"Nothing, Sir,"

"I have told you before, do not talk to that man! Yet you still do! You continue to disobey me!" he's angry.


What gave that away?

"And for the record, Ms Anne, I do not appreciate being called fat or a pig," He growled. "Now, remember who you work for."

I could not look him directly into his eyes because his tone alone was enough to tell he was serious.

I remained silent.

So he continued.

"If you do not obey me, Ms Anne, I expect you to look at me when I address you!" So I did, my eyes locked with his blue ones; I gulped. "Very good,"

"Sorry, Sir, continue, Sir."

I really wished I hadn't told him to continue.

"If you disobey me again, I will take certain measurements to make sure you are properly disposed of." 


Do we have any ship names for these two?

What are your thoughts on Sir Peter? Did he kill Olivia's parents? Is there another reason why he's at Mr Stafford's Logging Camp? 

Next update will be a double one, you're welcome in advance xo

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