06. A child's fate.

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As soon as I opened my eyes, I sat up abruptly, but a sharp pain in my head stopped me. It was confusing because I couldn't remember hitting my head. In fact, the opposite had happened; I had almost drowned in the water, but I managed to avoid it.

Oh, he saved me. How embarrassing.

Should I thank him?

He wouldn't thank me if I saved him. I doubt he is even capable of saying thank you. I bet those two words, along with sorry, are not even in his vocabulary.

"Ms Anne," I reached up to rub my aching temples as the door opened, revealing Mr Stafford. "Ah, good, you're up."

"I believe I am, Sir," I watched him stride into the room, eyes narrowing at me.

Oh, bollocks! What did I do now?

"If you do not mind, I would like you to rest on the Davenport. I have not had a good night's sleep on that thing."

Did he wait for me to answer?

No, he did not.

Mr Stafford simply walked over to the bed, picked me up regardless of the odd sounds I made and placed me on the Davenport. "I am glad you are doing better, Ms Anne. If word got to your Uncle that I did allow you to drown, well, it would be bad for business."

Oh, now I get it. Mr Stafford saved me to save his ego, not because he cared.

That bastard!

Woah, Olivia, calm down. That's your boss you're talking about.

Ha, so what? My statement still stands: Mr Ross Stafford is a bastard.

"Do you have a habit of speaking your mind, Ms Anne? Because I certainly am not a bastard. My parents were married when they conceived me."

I ignored his comment and allowed my eyes to close.

I drifted off into a slumber.

And an unwanted dream consumed my sleep.

"Olivia, listen to me." Mamma's grip on my shoulders tightened, forcing me downwards so that I was hidden behind boxes in the carriage with our cargo. "Please, your hands over your ears," I blinked, shaking my head. "Please, Olivia."

Mamma removed her hands from my shoulders and took my own hands in hers, "Mamma, where's Pa?" I whispered.

Pain flashed through Mamma's eyes. "Olivia, whatever you hear out there, stay hidden, stay quiet. Promise me, promise me you do that."

"I promise, but Mamma-" I'm shushed by Mamma's placing her hand over my mouth.

"Help will come, baby, but you've got to be quiet, stay out of sight," Mamma removed her hand. "I love you." Tears filled Mamma's eyes. They rolled down her cheeks in streams.

"I love you too, Mamma," I choked out.

She stood up, "I'll be back." And with that, Mamma left me.

But she didn't return to me.

Mamma didn't come back.

I heard voices yelling from outside, and Mamma screamed. Before I knew it, my legs had carried me from the safety of the boxes.

"Check the other cart," A voice I didn't recognise said.

"No! Please!" Came Mamma's cry. "Please! That stuff is worthless. There is nothing of importance there."

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