09. He's On Man Periods.

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By the time my brain started working again, Mr Stafford was already standing before Alexandre who demounted from his horse. "Monsieur, I spotted bandits coming this way, there are at least ten."

Goodness, he moved fast. Maybe, just maybe, the reality of what almost happened came crashing down upon Mr Stafford. Perhaps it was a mistake.

He almost ki-

No, do not even go there, Olivia. Bad girl. Stop thinking those thoughts at this instant!

Oh, dear me, I am beginning to sound like him.

"We will need to cross the river," Mr Stafford said as he looked over his shoulder towards the river behind me. "If we travel down the river a little, they won't be able to track us."

"I suppose so, but Monsieur, what about her?"

"What about her?" Mr Stafford dully said.

Yes, what about me?

Alexandre's eyes scanned me as I stood up. "Mademoiselle will get wet."

Oh, believe me, Alexandre, I am already wet.

Bad girl! Don't think like that!

Dirty woman, he's your boss.

But look at that delicious body. Imagine what Mr Ross Stafford would look like beneath those clothes, or with the lack of them and-



Stop thinking that way!

"Ms Anne?" As I saw a hand waving in front of my face, I blinked multiple times in surprise. "Are you quite alright?"


Darn it, Olivia! Pull yourself together.

Mr Stafford's eyebrows rose. "Excuse me? Is that any way to speak to your boss?"

"No Sir, sorry, Sir." Our eyes meet briefly, but he quickly averts his gaze towards Alexandre. "Mr Stafford, Sir?"

Do not even think about mentioning it.


"About before...Erm, what happened-"

I had the sudden urge to mentally facepalm myself. What was I thinking about bringing it up? Nothing happened. Mhm, mhm, keep telling yourself that, Olivia.

"Nothing happened between us, Ms Anne. Now, you will clear your mind of those thoughts."

See? Now he also...Hang on, what?

If I remember correctly, he's the one who was lying on top of me, not the other way around. Admit it, you liked it. I did no such thing! Stop putting words in my mouth, would you?

"Ms Anne? Those thoughts, rid yourself of them at once! That is an order!"

This man, it is like he is on his man periods. His emotions are everywhere.

"Yes, Mr Stafford, at once, Sir."

"Monsieur, the bandits are closing in! We must go!" Alexandre yelled from his saddle. "We don't have time to pack."

My eyes widened. "What of our supplies?"

"Leave them," Mr Stafford replied. I watched as he mounted his stallion.

How the heck does he do it so gracefully? Me, on the other hand, well, let's just say, when I mount Roselle, she is very displeased with me.

As I approached her, the horse lifted her head and looked at me. "Easy, girl," I mumbled, reaching out to take the reins; suddenly, a gunshot pierced the air around me.

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