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Wonwoo ran into his room and locked the door.

Panting heavily, he fell onto his bed, despite the fact that it was only 1pm. He wasn't going to sleep, no.

Thoughts were going around his mind. He was so confused.

Why, why did he even reply to 402's question. And why, did he say he's different ?

Wonwoo didn't know why himself. Or what's wrong with him.

He didn't feel much most of the time. Or as his colleagues called him, he was a practically emotionless guy. Nothing could trigger him.

He was TQ903, the famous assassin, fearless and emotionless, and had no family, and thus nothing could stop him.

He, like many agents here, were orphans raised by The Government.

However, unlike them, he was chosen to the be the one to be raised by robots. So he would become the ace of them all.

He was used to see if agents raised by non-humans all their life had no weakness whatsoever.

He was an experiment. Experiment Moonchild.

So when he made such a name of himself in the field, his name spread. Not only his codename, but his experiment.

All agents under The Government heard of this name. Moonchild. And this didn't stop there. Outside, enemies know of this remarkable agent, and they would not hesitate to either threaten him to work for them or kill him if the chance arose.

Now when a strong feeling came to Wonwoo, he felt overwhelmed and helpless. He had never felt this emotion before.

And for the first time, he was afraid.

His heart was racing, and it took him so much effort to keep his emotions in check outside in the corridor just now. He felt like his heart was caught up in a tornado of questions and a hurricane of emotions, and his ribcage was the only thing keeping them from raging out of his chest.

And it was suffocating him. He felt like he couldn't breathe.

Still that question. Why?

Wonwoo buried his face into his pillow as he let himself get taken over by sleep. Hopefully this feeling will go away when he wakes up.


Mingyu sighed as he sat himself down behind his desk.

TP521, or jisoo, the agent sitting next to him, asked him why he wasn't his usual self the past week.

Mingyu shrugged it off, and replied, "Nothing. Maybe a little tired i guess."

Jisoo frowned, obviously unconvinced, but didn't press him about it further. He instead told mingyu, "Whatever it is that you don't wanna talk about, i hope it will be resolved soon. Don't be too bothered by it."

Mingyu only nodded and plastered a forced smile on his face.

How could he not be bothered by the fact that wonwoo had been ignoring him the whole time for 1 week straight ?

He didn't answer any calls or texts, and he would eat on his own during lunchㅡbasically avoiding mingyu whenever he could.

And he couldn't even be found during lunchtime today.

Distracted, mingyu started work on his computer.

Cyber agents do hacking; which is installing viruses or breeching the cybersecurity of enemies; tracking, which is assisting field agents on their missions like pointing out the location of targets and looking out for danger; or mechanics like fixing broken software or electronics.

Every agent specialises in one of the three, but all agents take turns to do each of those jobs every month.

Mingyu's specialty is tracking.

It was through his first tracking job that he got to know wonwoo. Even though field agents aren't supposed to know who they are talking to, mingyu introduced himself to wonwoo after the mission secretly and they became friends. That was 7 years ago. Agents start off early on their jobs.

This month though, mingyu was assigned to archiving, the most boring and basic job a cyber agent can ever get. Agents don't specialise in this, because you don't need any talent for filing documents.

However just 5 minutes into it, he realised he had already moved a document into the wrong file.

Mingyu sighed once again and moved the item back.

"Jisoo, this goes here right ?" he called out to his neighbour, who slid his chair over.

"Look, this file says 'Interrogations' in english. But the document you just moved there is a field mission report." jisoo explained patiently. "You should move this here." He pointed at the file labeled : 'Reports' in english.

Mingyu nodded, muttering a ok thank you to the older agent.

"You should really brush up your english, mingyu." Jisoo informed the taller guy beside him.

Mingyu nodded again, not wanting to explain that he was just distracted.

With the intention of moving the document, he accidentally double clicked the field mission report instead of clicking and holding it.

Mingyu fumbled to close it, knowing he shouldn't be so nosy, but something caught his eye.

Name : TQ903

It was wonwoo's report.

Misson : Retrievement specified files

Date : 10 / 12 / 17

It was 5 days ago.

Mingyu read on.

It turned out that wonwoo had actually failed this mission.

Mingyu couldn't help but make a surprised sound. Since when had 903 ever failed ?

Jisoo peered over the divider that seperated his desk with mingyu's. "Did something happen ?"

Startled, mingyu immediately closed the report. "What ? Uh no, nothing happened. Why ?"

"I think i heard you gasp just now though," Jisoo replied, wrinkling his eyebrows in confusion. "But if you say so." He shrugged, and went back to work.

Mingyu sighed in relief.

Then mingyu realised that he shouldn't be surprised wonwoo failed his mission. As skilled as everyone thought wonwoo was, he's still human. Humans make mistakes.

And even though he trusts jisoo and knew that he wasn't the gossiping type, the information he had just read wasn't good news. If it were to spread, it would affect wonwoo's reputation among his colleagues.

Even if everyone else didn't think that wonwoo gave a shit about what others think about him, mingyu knew that it would still affect him like how it would affect anyone else. Mingyu knew that wonwoo was just not good in expressing his feelings.

So was this the reason wonwoo had been avoiding him ?

Maybe he was just disappointed and embarrassed that he failed a mission.

And that didn't make mingyu worry any less.

After another 10 minutes of work, and misplacing about six more documents in the process, mingyu decided that he could not go on like this. He had already been reprimanded by his supervisor yesterday for naming the wrong file and misplacing the documents as a result.

He had to find wonwoo.

hello hello thank you so much for reading and heres a pretty long chapter to thank u for reading up till here ♡♡♡

please comment and vote !! i want u to know that i really really appreciate yall ♡♡

yx :3

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