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Wonwoo received a text notification from mingyu just as a round of his online game with him ended.


can you just come over ??

uh... why

im boreddd
and lonely :<

but im gaming with u
aren't i

how is it the same my dude

its 2am mingyu
if i get caught out after curfew

wELL as if we havent sneaked up to the roof at 3am before smh

...true that

so just come, pls :<
idk i
just need u here rn


wonwoo please


Wonwoo sighed and got out of bed, proceeding to put the hood of his hoodie over his head. At least if he got caught, they would have to figure out who he was. There weren't cameras situated outside his room, thankfully.

But there were, at the top of the staircase.

He didn't know why he had hesitated before stepping out of his dorm. Mingyu had always been complaining about how he needed company late at night, when he couldn't sleep. It wasn't anything new to him. They'd been doing this for years.

Only recently they sort of stopped because of the awkward tension between them. But mingyu had asked him over again tonight, and wonwoo gave in, despite the fact that he had wanted to keep a safe physical distance from mingyu.

He guessed he just couldn't trust himself to do that anymore.

He wanted to see mingyu. To just be physically near him. He was dangerous to mingyu now, he knew, but it only made him less guilty to know that it was mingyu who wanted him this time.

Wonwoo opened the door.

Mingyu was in the small living room with the lights off, lying on the carpet, phone in hand. He directed his attention from its glowing screen to the figure at his door. "Finally."

Moonlight streamed in from the windows, illuminating the room just enough for wonwoo to know where everything was.

He carefully made his way between the pillows strewn across the carpet towards mingyu.

"Yes, finally."

"Took you long enough to climb a flight of stairs."

Wonwoo laid down beside mingyu, both of them staring at the ceiling.

"Are you not grateful that i risked getting caught to come all the way here for you ?"

"Wow someones sassy. Where did you learn that from ?" mingyu asked, grabbing a blanket from the couch behind them and spreaded it out over the two of them.

"I only learn from the best."

"Well thanks, i'm flattered."

"Wasn't talking about you, I've been chatting with seungkwan recently."

Mingyu playfully kicked wonwoo under the blanket.

"Ow." wonwoo whined, despite the fact that he was grinning the whole time.

Mingyu turned to face wonwoo.

"But for real, thank you." he whispered. There was true sincerity in mingyu's voice.

Wonwoo felt his breath hitch as his heart ached with guilt.

He couldn't keep the words from getting past his lips. "S-sorry for avoiding you so much lately I... didn't know it affected you so muchㅡ i really didn't want to hurt you i-"

"Hey, hey" mingyu cut him off softly, running his hand through wonwoo's hair, "its alright. Its all good now, okay ?"

"You... don't hate me ?"

"I did. I hated you for not trusting me enough. But now i understand. If you don't trust me you wouldn't even be here at all. I know you're hiding something, but its alright. I'll wait. Until you think its the right time to tell me, i'll wait. I don't blame you."

Wonwoo felt a weight ㅡthat he didn't even know was thereㅡ lift from his shoulders. Mingyu really didn't hate him. He had never felt more at ease around the other boy for the longest time.

Wonwoo's chest ached nonetheless. Mingyu was so understanding towards him, his heart was so big, so kind. And it filled wonwoo with so much warmth to know that in that big, big heart, there was a space for him, too.

And that only made wonwoo fall for mingyu harder than he already hadㅡ if that was even possible.

Mingyu placed his head on wonwoo's chest as he curled up against him. "Just... don't leave me alone again."

Wonwoo entwined his fingers with mingyu's, pulling the other boy closer.

"I won't."


ajajjsjsjnssns how can they not know they like each other at this point i ?????

idek i wrote this at 4am its currently 5.45 in the morning i shall just watch the sun rise already im feeling so fucking soft and i dONT WANNA SLEEP !!! but i probably should smh i need to be off by 10am tmr and sleeping at 6am isnt really an option,, so wish me luck on not dying tmr due to lack of sleep !!

also a big thank u to everyone who voted and kept voting i love yall so much you dont even know my heart just ♡♡♡♡♡

yx out :')

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