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Harry's POV

"Good job, Styles. I think that's it for today." Bob, one of my conditioning coaches, said as he clapped me on the shoulder while I tried to catch my breath. "I think you're in pretty good shape for not playing for almost a year. Most people who stop for that long can never really get back into it the same way. You're lucky you're young."

He let out a soft chuckle as he left the room, and I picked up my towel and wiped the beads of sweat that were dripping down my face. I'd been doing training sessions with Bob twice a day, plus trying to work out on my own early in the morning and before bed. My body was exhausted, but it felt good to be training again.

I'd always been someone who tried to keep in shape, but I'd never had to consciously do it because I was always training and playing hockey. Once that stopped I'd go for a run once in a while, but I was nowhere in the condition I needed to be in to play college hockey, and I knew I had a lot of ground to make up. I wasn't about to let the opportunity slip through my fingers, so I'd devoted myself to training as much as I could so I could get back on the ice as soon as possible.

I chugged a bottle of water as my heart rate came back down, before I grabbed my bag and headed down the hall toward the showers.

"Styles!" Coach Bell called as I passed his office, and I took a few steps back to stand in the doorway. "Come in, son."

I threw my bag down near the door and took a seat in the chair across from his desk, my legs feeling like jello as soon as I sat down.

"What's up, Coach?" I asked.

"Just thought I'd check in with you, see how you're adjusting." He replied as he held up a piece of paper and scanned it.

"No complaints, just a little eager to get back in the game." I said, the mere thought of it getting my heart pumping with excitement.

"Well, from what I hear it won't be too long. How's the body feeling? Bob and Paul say you're already in pretty good shape, they appreciate your commitment."

"Just trying to do what I came here to do, Coach." I nodded. "I feel good, a little tired but that's expected."

"I know you've been spending a lot of time in the gym, when's the last time you threw on a pair of skates?"

"I haven't had access to the arena, but I ran some drills on my own at the local rink yesterday. I feel good." I informed him.

"Good, good. I respect your heart, son. That's what separates the players from the legends." He smiled. "I think I'll be alright with you joining practice on Tuesday as planned. I'll see how you do in some drills, but I don't think it'll be unlikely that you can't play in our game against Maine next week."

"Thank you, Sir. I can't wait to get out there." I said, trying to hold in my excitement at the possibility of playing in an actual game.

"You've earned it." He nodded simply. "Did Louis introduce you to the team?"

"He introduced me to a few of the guys, but I haven't really had a chance to meet very many of them because I've been training so much. I've run into a couple of them in the gym, but not really, no."

Louis had introduced me to two guys, Rex and Timmons, one night when we'd grabbed a beer and they seemed alright. I'd met two other guys, Lundy and Mac, one day when they came in to train with Bob after I did. Lundy seemed like a bit of a wanker, but on a team of 25 guys I knew there was bound to be a couple. I'd been on enough teams in my life to learn to navigate the art of respecting guys as team mates, even if I didn't particularly like them as people. Being team mates meant you had to have each other's back at all times, whether you liked them or not, it was just part of the code. That's just how it worked.

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