That Night

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*Author's Note*

Hey guys, just a head's up, this chapter is lonnnggg haha. I couldn't find a place to split it up that felt right, so hopefully you enjoy it. I think it's a good one, can't wait to chat to you guys about it!



Harry and I stood out front of our building, bundled up in our coats and trying to keep warm while we said our goodbyes to everyone heading home for the holidays, exchanging hugs and well wishes for their time spent at home. It was a bit strange to think that home for most of us wasn't where we all lived together, that we had lives and other families outside of the ones we'd built, and I knew it would be weird not having them all around for a couple weeks.

"Now you two stay out of trouble." Niall instructed as he pulled away after hugging me. "You've got the place to yourself for a few weeks, condoms are in the top drawer of my night stand."

"Thanks for the heads up." I laughed, and he just wiggled his eyes at me.

"Don't listen to him Teej, you don't have to put out if you don't want to. No means no." Shawn instructed, and I just rolled my eyes at him.

"Does anyone have anything to say that doesn't involve what I may or may not be doing with my vagina over the break?" I scoffed.

"Yeah, have a good Christmas." Liam smiled as he pulled me into him, always the normal one. "I'm gonna miss you."

"I'll miss you too, buddy. Say hi to your parents for me." I said as he pulled away, pressing his lips to my forehead before he turned to hug Harry.

"Hope you have a great time with the fam, Styles."

"I will, have a safe flight mate." Harry said, grabbing Liam's bag and throwing it into the back for him.

The four of them all piled into Rex's car as we waved them off, a slight sadness overcoming me when I realized I missed them already, before Niall took one last chance to shout something obscene out the back window.

"Wrap it up, Styles! We need Teej in the playoffs, not knocked up!"

"Jesus Christ." Harry chuckled, shaking his head at him as the car disappeared out of the parking lot and down the street out of sight.

"Is it weird that I miss them already?" I sighed.

"Yes." Harry laughed as we headed back inside. "They're a nightmare 99% of the time."

"I know, but the other 1% I love them so much it makes up for it."

"I think that might be the most you thing you've ever said." He smiled, opening the door to the dorm and letting me inside. "Always finding the 1% goodness in everybody."

"I can't help it." I said as I walked past him, the warmth of the hallway enveloping me as it hit my face, a stark contrast from outside.

"I know."

I made my way down into the living room, fully prepared to lounge for the rest of the day, when Harry noticed me unzipping my jacket and stopped me.

"What are you doing?"

"Ummm taking off my jacket?" I laughed.

"Nope. We're going out." He said confidently. "You might wanna change into some warmer pants though."

"Where are we going?"

"On a date." He said proudly, grinning at me.

"What kind of date?" I asked skeptically, my surprise obvious.

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