Lesson Learned

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I awoke to the sound of bird's chirping out the window, yet another thing that reinforced the idea that I was in actual heaven, only further evidenced by the fact that I was completely wrapped up in Harry's arms, his strong torso enveloping me as he held me tightly. I smiled to myself as I remembered where we were, opening my eyes to find that incredible view in front of me, the sun shining over the trees as I sighed in contentment.

I felt Harry stir behind me, a small moan escaping him as he instinctively pulled me closer to him and pressed his lips to the back of my neck.

"Good Morning, Beautiful." He smiled sleepily against my skin.

I rolled over in his arms, looking up at him with a smile as he groggily opened his eyes, feeling overwhelmed with love for him. His hair was a mess, falling messily onto his puffy face, a lazy grin crossing his lips as the dimple appeared in his cheek.

"Hi." I smiled.

"Hi, yourself."

I rested my head on his chest as he softly ran his fingers through my hair, looking around the room and finding it hard to believe that we'd actually spent the night there. The entire experience had been nothing short of perfect, and I realized it was the first time I'd ever actually spent the night away somewhere with someone I was dating. I suppose that was a reminder that I'd never really been in a serious relationship, or been with someone who felt it was important to spend time alone with me, which just made me appreciate how different things were with Harry all the more.

We laid there in comfortable silence, both of us enjoying the feeling of being wrapped up in each other as we let ourselves wake up, soaking it all in before we had to inevitably get up and head back to real life. I was so relaxed, not a single ounce of stress in my body, that I felt like I could fall back asleep at any moment.

"I could definitely get used to this." Harry sighed, pressing his lips to my forehead as we stared out at the view.

"Did you sleep well?" I asked, tilting my head up to look at him.

"I think that was the best sleep I've had in years, actually." He smiled softly as he ran his fingers along my cheek, studying my face as I gazed up at him.

"Must be all this fresh air." I laughed lightly as his mouth widened into a cheeky grin.

"Could be." He agreed. "I mean, I'm sure the fact that you Gretzky'd the hell out of me last night had something to do with it."

I couldn't help the loud laugh that escaped me at his words, feeling his own chuckle vibrate through his chest.

"I knew I heard you call me Gretzky before I fell asleep." I laughed, shaking my head at him.

"I don't remember that, but I'm sure I did. I was in a post-marathon haze, I'm surprised I could even remember who Gretzky is." He laughed as he took my hand in his and started playing with my fingers as they rested on his chest.

"Me. I'm Gretzky." I said, rolling my eyes at him. "Keep up."

"I apologize." He chuckled. "It won't happen again."

"Well, I genuinely hate giving you credit for anything since it physically pains me...but I'll admit it. You are officially Gretzky of sex." I sighed, hating to admit anything that might stroke his ego.

A knowing smirk crossed his face as he looked down at me, obviously well aware of how good he was, but I couldn't deny it. And he knew it.

"I mean...I try."

"So smug." I rolled my eyes, earning a small chuckle from him as I sighed and cuddled back into him.

We stayed like that for a few more hours, dosing in and out of sleep, neither of us too concerned about what time it was. We were so used to having to run off to practice or class, always having somewhere to be or some kind of interruption, that it felt incredibly freeing to know that we had no particular schedule to keep. We just laid there in the quiet, staring out at the snow, enjoying the feeling of laying together in a way that we were so rarely able to.

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