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*Author's Note*

Hello my loves! I am currently writing this from beside the pool in Bali, so I hope you enjoy it! I did send out a message letting you all know I would be away for a month, but I'm not sure if everyone got it so I just wanted to let you know that that's why I might be lagging a bit. Happy graduation to me! Haha. I will be trying to update Lost Girl as well, and hopefully can keep on top of his one, but I can't really make any promises cause I'm literally on the beach haha.

Anyways, I hope you all enjoy this one, I'm a bit out of the zone so I hope it doesn't suck haha. Can't wait to chat with you about this one. Enjoy!

Sarah <3



I stood there in the middle of the dining room as Harry continued to glare at me for a few more seconds, before the door to the diner opened and my co-worker arrived for the next shift. I hadn't even noticed what time it was, but I pieced together from Harry's arrival that he had come to pick me up like we'd planned.

What I didn't plan, however, was for him to see me coming out of the office with Zayn looking all sketchy.

"I'll be in the car." He said, his annoyance obvious as he turned and left the diner, and I just sighed as I headed into the back to get my stuff.

I purposely took a few minutes longer giving my co-worker the run down of things that still needed to be done, hoping it would give Harry a few minutes to cool off while he waited in the car. I wasn't in the mood to argue with him, but I couldn't say I didn't understand where he was coming from.

I knew he didn't like Zayn, and he and I were in such a weird place that I can't say I wouldn't be pissed if I saw him with someone he used to go out with. Hell, every time I'd seen him with Brielle I wanted to claw her eyes out. Just because neither of us had a right to be upset because we weren't technically a couple, he very much felt like mine, and I couldn't blame him if he was upset by seeing me with Zayn.

I took a deep breath as I made my way out to the car, climbing in and immediately noticing the warmth of it compared to the freezing cold air outside. I looked over at Harry, a few of his curls peeking out from under the beanie he was wearing, and he looked exhausted. I knew he'd been through hell the past couple of days, and the last thing I wanted to do was add to it. Still, I felt like saying anything about Zayn would just start an argument that neither of us needed.

Harry didn't say anything as he pulled out of the parking lot, gripping the steering wheel tightly as we drove, a silence hovering over us as neither one of us wanted to broach the subject. The elephant in the room seemed to be taking up a lot of space, until Harry asked the last question I expected him to.

"Are you sleeping with Zayn?" He asked, looking like he surprised himself with his own question.

"" I said, almost laughing at the ridiculousness of it. "The last time I checked you've been the one in my bed almost every night."

"Well you were pretty late getting home last night, and you both looked like a deer in the headlights when you saw me standing there." He said.

"Jesus Christ, yes Harry. I took Zayn into the back office while I was working, leaving all of my customers to fend for themselves, so that I could have a quickie in my boss' office with the guy who sold me out to the papers. You caught me, that's the kind of girl I am." I scoffed. "Give me a fucking break."

He didn't say anything, but the look on his face as he stared straight ahead told me he knew how ridiculous the notion was.

"I'm not sleeping with Zayn, I'm not getting back together with him, we weren't even really together in the first place. He just wanted to talk to me about something, that's it. Trust me, I've got more than enough things to keep myself busy than hooking up with Zayn." I said as I reached over and took his hand, lacing my fingers between his, doing my best to keep my tone understanding. "Alright?"

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