The Best Day

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*Author's note*

Okay guys, this is the longest I've EVER gone without updating so I am sooo sorry but my life just got a little insane. I know how annoying it is when you start a story and there's no updates so I hope you haven't lost all interest.

This one is very long, and I should hopefully be able to update more regularly now that summer is over. I can't wait to hear from you, if you're still here haha.

Love yous,


Harry's POV

I stood in the kitchen, adjusting my tie and trying to get my mind right as I waited for Teej to finish getting dressed, anxiously checking the time and hoping we weren't gonna be late. My stomach was in knots as I thought about just how big of a night it was for me, and I was just praying I could get through it without making an idiot of myself.

In a lot of ways, it felt like my chances at making the NHL were somehow connected to it, knowing how big of an honor it was just to be nominated for the award, and how much something like that can factor into a coach's decision to draft someone. I knew there were going to be all kinds of people there from the NHL, a lot of scouts and players, and I just wanted to make a good impression. I rarely got overly anxious about anything when it came to hockey, so it was a strange feeling I wasn't sure how to deal with.

Niall and Shawn were sat on the couch, basically watching me pace back and forth, and failing miserably at keeping me distracted.

"Oh man, imagine if Crosby was there or something. That'd be soooo sick." Shawn said, throwing his head back on the couch as if he was imagining it.

"Bro, it's the college hockey awards, not the ESPY's." I said, rolling my eyes at him.

"I know, but they are all invited to scope out major talent. I think Gordie Howe was there a few years ago." Niall shrugged.

My phone rang in my pocket as I shot them a look, and I pulled it out praying it would be someone who could do a better job distracting me than my roommates. I smiled as I saw my Mum's face cross the screen, swiping my finger to answer it as I made my way down to my room.

"Hey, Mum." I sighed as I plunked myself down on my bed, relieved to see her smiling face.

"There's my boy." She grinned. "You alright, love?"

"Yeah...just a little nervous."

"You'll be great, Honey." She said, reassuring me like she always did. "You look so handsome! Let me see your suit."

I pulled myself to my feet and stood up, moving to stand in front of the mirror in my room and shifting my phone so she could see, just as my sister's voice came echoing through the speaker and immediately made me laugh.

"Is that Hazzy? Let me talk!" She said as Mum pulled her up onto her lap and she grinned at me like she hadn't seen me in years. "Hi, big brother!"

"Hey, Boog." I chuckled. "What you doing?"

"Dad and I just went to get snacks, I'm having a sleepover with Annie." She said excitedly. "We're gonna watch you on TV!"

"Hey, H." Dad waved from behind them, poking his head over Lucy's shoulder. "You excited?"

"He's nervous." Mum answered for me.

"Oh come on, you're gonna be great!" He said encouragingly. "And you'll have TJ there with you, right?"

"Yeah, if she ever finishes getting ready." I chuckled. "I don't think I'm the only one who's nervous."

"There's no need to be." Mum scoffed. "You're both gonna look amazing, and when you get your award we will all be watching and cheering you on. We're so proud of you, Harry."

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