He'd Lose

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I could hear the bass pumping from the frat house from blocks away as we walked towards it, thankful that I already had a buzz on from the shots Niall had made me take back at the dorm. The idea of going to a frat party anything less than completely drunk gave me anxiety, and I'd just downed enough shots praying I'd get drunk enough to survive.

Frat parties always consisted of a couple of things. First, it was girls in mini skirts and heels who would shoot me dirty looks before they tried to butter me up later so they could take one of my friends home, then there were the drunk slobs who would try to hit on me by telling me how cool it was that they thought I played hockey, and then of course you had your usual douchebag who would go out of his way to tell me that he didn't think that the ice was any place for a woman. I was bound to encounter at least one of each, and I just wasn't in the mood.

I clutched Shawn's arm as we walked, already freezing even though I had my jacket on, thankful when the house finally came into view. There were already tons of people spilling out of the house and onto the lawn, music echoing loudly out onto the street, and screaming and cheering coming from inside. I took a deep breath as I looked up at the house, Liam leaning over to kiss my head as he sensed my apprehension, before he took my hand and led us all inside.

The second we were inside I heard a loud squeal to my left, and immediately recognized it as Chelsea came barrelling over to me.

"Teej! You came!" She said excitedly, obviously already drunk.

"I did." I nodded as I looked around and sighed. "I need a drink."

The boys seemed to split off into different directions as Chels took my hand and led me into the kitchen, pulling me out a beer from the fridge and handing it to me before she grabbed another for herself.

"It's so good to see you out, babe. You work so hard." She said sympathetically.

"Well, here I am." I laughed as I put the beer to my lips and took a long swig, and she just giggled until something caught her eye across the room.

"Oh! Hold on, I'll be right back." She smiled as she hurried out of the kitchen, just as I felt a hand on my hip, slowly moving me to the side to gain access to the fridge.

"Relax, it's just me." Harry chuckled as he reached into the fridge and grabbed a beer, popping it open and taking a sip as Chelsea came barrelling back over to us dragging some guy behind her.

"Teej! This is Zayn, the guy I was telling you about." She grinned as she practically shoved the poor guy in my direction, turning around and leaving the kitchen a second later.

He was attractive, with big hazel eyes and a sheepish smile, obviously a little uncomfortable with the way she'd shoved us together and then disappeared. He rubbed the back of his neck and laughed nervously before he looked back at me.

"Nice to meet you." He smiled as he held his hand out to me, and I noticed Harry smirking next to me as he took a sip of his beer.

"Yeah, you too. Sorry about Chelsea, she's a little...assertive." I laughed.

"That's one word for it." He chuckled. "Did you just get here?"

"Yeah...just a few minutes ago." I nodded, noticing Zayn looking over at Harry as he stood next to me and realized I hadn't introduced them. "Oh, sorry. This is my roommate, Harry."

"Nice to meet you, bro." Zayn said as he held his hand out to Harry.

Harry stared at it for a few seconds, then looked Zayn up and down, before he reluctantly took his hand and shook it.

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