{Chapter 4}

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You were slowly becoming sleep deprived and your number of kills lessened. Night after night, you would lay in your bed, listening to the sounds of animal life like usual when you would hear rustling in your kitchen. You'd quickly, yet silently run outside to find your door open and footsteps with fresh mud leading out. You knew that the only way to survive and kill this man was to stay awake, however, it was causing you to grow weak. [Pet Name] and your other animals would help you anyway they could; they'd get you food, and, your mountain cat that you'd saved last year would help with you killings. Your past started to haunt you again, causing you to cry multiple times a day. Your battle with depression started again, and, you spent most of the time either sharpening your knife or eating ice cream. You would only take small naps, and that was only because your friends (animals) would make gestures for you to do so.

"Big sis!" You smiled and bent down to to a younger girl with similar [hair color] locks like you.

"What's up, [sister name]?"

"I had a nightmare... Can I sleep with you?" she begged, holding her stuffed animal to her chest. You smiled gently and gently picked her up and gently covered her up in your bed. You laid besides her, hugging her gently. "Daddy got drunk again.." You frowned a little, sad that you little sister, at the tender age of three (you were six), understood the swears and fighting between your mother and father.

"I know, [sister's nickname]..."

"When will they stop?" she asked, looking at you. Silence filled the room except for the few yells that were heard from downstairs in the kitchen. Thankfully, the room was dark, so she couldn't see the tears welling up in your eyes. You waited a couple of minutes so that your voice wouldn't crack when you spoke.

"Yes, sweetie. Don't worry. They just need a little time to work things out." [Sister's name] smiled tiredly and snuggled into you.


You clenched your hands as you gazed at the burning house, tears falling down your [skin color] cheeks. "No.. NO No No!!" you screamed, slamming your fists against the sidewalk. "I should have been here.. I SHOULD HAVE BEEN ABLE TO SAVE THEM!!" Police cars came and you ran off to the woods. For a few hours, you sat on a rotted log, holding your head as you contemplated everything. Soon after, you let out an insane giggle, "I'll kill whoever did this to my family... I SWEAR IT!!"

"I SWEAR IT!!" you yelled as you sat up from the couch that you had been resting on. You looked up to see the hooded man that stole your beer the other night. "You.." you hissed, trying to stand but almost fell to the floor. The man chuckled.

"You can't even stand, but you want to put up a fight?" he cackled, smirking wide.He held his knife to your neck; on it, the name 'JEFF' was engraved. You hissed in anger and pulled your own knife out and stabbed him in the shoulder. Blood poured out and he went momentarily limp; you then took this chance and kneed him in the gut and through him out the door. You then saw the red husky growling, pinning [pet name] down on the ground. You then through your knife, and it grazed his neck, causing him to howl. Jeff growled, sitting up. "Come on, buddy. We'll have to rethink this!" he yelled, and, with that, they ran off. You treated your friends' injuries when something caught your eyes. You slowly picked it up.

'His knife..?'

You're a Sharp One (Jeff the Killer X Female! Killer! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now