{Chapter 15}

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 You twisted and turned in your sleep, a blissful smile on your face. "She must be having a pretty good dream," a familiar voice spoke. You groaned a little and turned to your side, curling up more. "[Name]~," the voice called again.

You groaned again and hugged your pillow, muttering, "No. . . Sleep is so good." The voice seemed to get closer to you and you felt two strong muscular arms wrap around you and pull you close. Even though you would usually kick where the sun don't shine, you snuggled into the warmth, just wanting to falls asleep once more. Hesitantly, the arms held you closer to the body. After a few minutes, you realized what was going on and snapped your eyes opened. There in your bed was Jeff holding you gently.

You went red and pulled away, but because of the swift action, you almost fell off of the bed. If Jeff hadn't jumped into action and caught you, you'd be on the floor groaning in pain. Now blushing madly, you looked up into his wide eyes, and he looked back gently. In a minute, he gently pulled you back onto the bed. "You should be more careful," he whispered. You now took note of how low and husky his voice was. It was oddly attractive, why had you never noticed before. . .

'N-No! S-Stop thinking like that!' you mentally yelled at yourself, blushing in embarrassment. If Slenderman had heard your thoughts, you'd rather die by the next morning then have anyone know. . .

"[Name]?" Jeff asked, interrupting your thoughts. His gentle gaze was focused on you, and you alone. Your [eye color] orbs looked into his, and, for some unknown reason, you couldn't look away. His blue eyes darted down to your lips and back to your mystifying eyes. There was silence. Slowly, though, he gently pulled you up and closer to his lips.

Why didn't you stop him? You certainly had the chance, but this feeling. . . butterflies inhabited your stomach, and your mind was running a thousand miles a second. Usually, you would kick and scream, but now, you just melted into his touch. His rough hand gently stroked your cheek, which made this feel even more right. Slowly, he pressed his lips on yours, almost hesitant, like he was asking for permission. Once his lips hit yours, your heart raced and you kissed back. In your mind, you were screaming not to do this and to stop, but, my dear, the mind and the heart are two different elements. The mind may think of possible things for happiness and joy, but the heart leads you to the one thing that will either bring ultimate joy or despair.

"Um, excuse me," a British cough interrupted you two. You both shot back, and you slid off of Jeff's lap; both of your faces were a deep red, but Jeff's was much more noticeable because of his usual white skin.

"E-E-EJ!" you shrieked, blushing deeply.

"Dinner's ready, and Slenderman wants you guys washed up and downstairs in five minutes." He stared back at you two, almost like he was judging deep into your soul through his mask. "And that goes for your minds, too." With that said, he left. You took no time and walked to your private restroom and washed your hands. Jeff walked downstairs, by your side. The awkwardness continued throughout dinner; while the food fights and yelling went on, you and the black-haired Romeo sat across from each other. You two would look up at the same time and then dart back down to your full plates.

Neither of you ate much that night, and when everyone stood to leave to their rooms, Slenderman stopped you. "Wait," he said, causing you to freeze and watch as the white-hooded man walked out of the dining room. You slowly turned to him, trying to hide the conflicted feelings your hand. His faceless, well, face, was tilted, and even though he wore no expression, all was said without words. He knew what you were feeling, and you knew that you couldn't hide it. "I know you're going through a lot, right now," he began gently. "but, know that you don't have to be scared. Jeff really will love and care for you." You two stared at each other for a moment, before he finished, "Just remember that."

You bowed before walking out and into your bedroom. You looked into the empty hallway, hoping that he'd walk in.

Five minutes.

Ten minutes.

BEN had passed and gave you a sympathetic look. Toby walked by without a word. You guessed that he was still mad at you, so you didn't push anything.

Fifteen minutes.

Twenty minutes.

With a heavy sigh, you slowly closing the wooden door. You still hoped that at any minute, he would slam the door open and hold you close to him, confess that he really did love you. But, no one came in. There was a click as you closed and locked the door. You slowly rested your head on the door, tearing up as heartbreak spread throughout your body. "What were you waiting for?" You whipped your head around to see Jeff sitting on your bed.

'Oh my. . .' you thought. His white hoodie with faint stains was on the floor, leaving him shirtless. He was well built. . . and had a six-pack. You blushed deeper and looked away. He realized that you were staring, and his smile turned into a full-on smirk. He slowly walked closer to you, and as he came closer, you took the same amounts of steps back. You tried to turn your back so he thought that you weren't interested. Really, though, your heart had never been going so fast. Of course you would! He's shirtless!

"[Name], look at me," he whispered, gently turning you around so that your eyes were staring back into his. He brushed his lips against yours gently, causing butterflies to flutter in your stomach, and every one of your senses to heighten.

"Tell me," you whispered.

"Tell you what?"

"Stop these games and tell me the truth on how you feel about me," you demanded, staring up at him.

You're a Sharp One (Jeff the Killer X Female! Killer! Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora