{Chapter 23}

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Bu-Bump, Bu-Bump

Your heartbeat was going a million miles a minute. You couldn't think clearly; in fact, your [eye color] orbs were just staring at the screen door in front of you. For such a long time, that door seemed like a gateway to a sanctity, however, it seemed like a portal to hell now. You couldn't see or hear anything else until a familiar warmth took a hold of your hand. You slowly looked up to see Jeff's concerned face. He planted a soft kiss on the top of your head before pulling back. "Come on," he whispered. His voice was ruff, but gentle, and it seemed to soothe every anxious nerve in your body. You slowly nodded, a nervous smile hesitantly plastering itself onto your face. With that, you walked into the house.

Everything seemed to stop and freeze. People stared (even if they didn't have eyes) at you two, making you feel uneasy. Instinctively, you adverted your eyes to the ground, wishing that you could be invisible. "What are you staring at!?" your lover barked, causing almost everyone to go back to what they were doing. Slenderman stood his ground, though, and walked towards you. His faceless expression watched your anxiety-ridden one.

Slowly, he said, "Toby is still in your room, waiting for you to come back." You instantly felt a ping of guilt in your heart, which quickly spread throughout your whole body. With a crisp bow, you muttered thanks before springing up the steps. You couldn't think straight as you ran down the hall, and the only sound being the beating of your footsteps against the flooring. You flung the door open.

"Toby!" Deep hazel eyes met yours. You didn't know how to start this. No, you didn't know how to end this. You took a small step closer but it caused him to flinch. You decided not to move again. You couldn't deal with the sight of seeing him running out and possibly not returning. You now understood your feelings, but you were worried that he wouldn't.

"[N-Name]." You could see the brunette was twitching more than usual, indicating the fact that he was nervous. You took a deep breath.

"Toby, I'm sorry for running out on you without a word." He seemed to smile in relief, but it quickly faded when you continued, "But, you have to understand. I love Jeff very much."

"B-But when you came here, you-ou two were enemies!" You could see a fire of anger burning in his eyes as he stood suddenly. This was obviously going to be harder than you thought.

"I know..." At first, that was all that you could say. You let a silence settle between you two before you knew what you wanted to explain with. "When I first came to this mansion,we were enemies. I hated his guts, or at least I thought so." Toby raised an eyebrow. "I was almost murdered in my own house, of course I hated him. But, as I got to know his past... as I got to know the actual him, I just started to fall in love with him. I never actually hated him; I was just defensive, and I had every right to be."

"Sounds like you just pity him," the male scoffed, causing you took a deep breath. You were really trying not to ring his neck right now.

"I know that we have had our rocky moments, but I understand now what you mean to me." He stared you in the eyes, and you stared back, even though you had no expression on your face. "You're my big brother."


Silence was all that was your reply from your statement, but you could see tears well in Toby's eyes. He tried to run to the door, but you grabbed his wrist. "[N-Name], let me go." You held his shaking hand, refusing to let him go so soon.

"No. I'm not letting you run off again."

"What did you expect me to d-do!? Oh, you and Jeff must be really happy, so I'm gonna just step down and be all happy! Yes, everyone has been so understanding with me for my life! I bet that there is someone else is waiting in this world for me!" You knew Toby could be loud, but you never imagined that he could say something like this so loud.

"Well, there is!" you shouted back, your temper flaring. "I never asked for this! I never asked for your love!" After the words left your mouth, you instantly regretted it. Toby's eyes began to fill with hurt, and you just wanted to take it all back. "When I first came here, I was confused and scared. You were the only one who seemed to care, and I treasure that... I never wanted to break your heart... even when you broke mine by ignoring me." You felt something running down your face. What were these?

They were tears.

"You were the only one who gave me the time of day and helped me through this. I may have been acting all calm and strong, but, really, I was a mess. My past was chasing me down. I just wanted to feel safe... I didn't mean what I just said. I'm sorry." By now, your voice was starting to crack. "I-I know that I don't feel the same way about you that y-you do me, b-b-but, please! Don't go!" With that as your final plead, you broke down crying, falling to the hardwood floor. The brunette killer slowly knelt by you and held you in his arms. You cried into his arms, "Y-You're the only one I can feel I can trust like family! You're my big brother, all I have left!"

"I-I'm sorry, [Name]," he whispered as he tucked you into bed. You looked up at him before pulling him down besides you.

"Please... sleep with me," you whimpered, your [eye color] orbs closing. "Please... keep the monsters away..." Toby smiled and kissed your head.

"I promise, little sis," he whispered before holding you. You both slept soundly by each other.


Okay, no literal joke, I almost burst out crying as I wrote this. I kind of want to write a Toby x Reader just to show him that he is loved! Toby is my favorite Creepypasta, FYI. Anyway, sorry for the wait. I hope that you enjoyed the chapter. I hope that you have a good day. OKey, Bye~.)

You're a Sharp One (Jeff the Killer X Female! Killer! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now