{Chapter 13}

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"When will she wake up?" The voice seemed so distant and full of echo. Your eyelids felt too heavy to open (your body did, too), so you just laid on the plush bed, which made your muscles melt and relax.

"I don't know. I'm pretty sure that she's just exhausted." Wait, was that EJ talking?

"You didn't answer my question," the voice replied, becoming more annoyed and impatient.

"Listen, I can't-."


You shot up, ready to fight if someone was here to threaten you or Jack. You looked to see Lui pinning the other brunette against the wall. "Listen here, you British punk," he snarled, his eyes darker than normal. "You shouldn't screw around with me. If anything happens to her, I'm holding the blame to you." You couldn't believe it. Why was Lui (or was it Sully?) threatening him?

"Enough," you said coldly, causing both males to snap their eyes on you

"[Name]!" His voice came out softer than before, and he ran over and hugged you.

"Can't breathe. Can't breathe," you gasped, squirming pitifully in his grasp. He reluctantly pulled back after a moment, and Jack decided to butt into the conversation, which you were very grateful for.

"About time you woke up; you pushed yourself too hard." You rolled your eyes playfully and grinned.

"I can obviously take it, or else I would be out still, right?" The masked man shook his head.


"Now you're sounding like Jeff." Once those playful words left your mouth, the air seemed to grow more tense. Sully's shoulders tensed and his eyes seemed to darken dangerously. Jack gave you a worried look, almost as if it scared him. But, that was silly, right? He was one of the most well-known and dangerous of the Creepypasta. Things couldn't get that bad, right?

"What did you say?" he growled darkly. You didn't dare reply, fearing you would say something that would trigger him worse. "I said what did you say!?" Now, the scar-faced man was shouting in your face and grabbing your shoulders roughly. "Do you know what he did to me?" he asked, his eyes showing that something had snapped.

"Y-You're hurting me. P-Please, let me go." Your voice was a soft whimper. It had been so long since you had felt this fear.

"He tried to kill me!"

"H-He was trying to protect you!" you defended, finding a little bit of courage. His eyes were now so dark you could barely tell that they were green anymore.

"You knew exactly what he did to me, but you still defend him?" You began to tremble in his grasp as he inched closer and closer. "You should've kept that pretty mouth shut, dear." His eyes were now wider than Jeff's, showing you that this trigger was worse than you had originally thought. He took his knife out from his hoodie and gently run the smooth face of it against your neck.

"Lui, Sully. Calm down," Jack commanded, putting his hand on his shoulder.

"Don't tell me to calm down!"He swiftly kneed the doctor in the gut harshly, causing him to cough up blood and knock out. "Now, where were we?" He turned back to you, crawling onto your bed. You tried to squirm, but you were still too weak.

I should have listened to Slender when he told me to rest, you thought gravely.

"What if I maimed you?" You froze, now realizing what the situation was. "Yes, I think that sounds very nice. Then I can gouge out your eyes and replace then with marbles." Sully sighed sadly. "They won't be as beautiful as your eyes." He ran his hand through your hair and down your cheek. "But, then you won't have to fall for the wrong side. Then you will be with more forever. Sure, you'll be a doll, but it's a small price to pay."

He began to press the knife down on multiple veins, causing the blankets to turn a dark red. Your vision became blurry once again. Well, this is it, you thought. Your eyes were heavy once more. Suddenly, you felt the male shoved off of your bed.

"Don't you dare touch her!" You tried to sit up, very weak to see a black-haired male. His skin was white .. . .

"Jeff?" you choked.

You're a Sharp One (Jeff the Killer X Female! Killer! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now