{Chapter 11}

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Your hand gripped his as you sat by his bedside. The pulse was faint; very faint. You bit your lip, trying to stop another sob from leaving your [lip color] lips. You hadn't stopped crying since the incident.

Two days.

You tried to take Slenderman's advice. You prayed, and prayed, and prayed, yet it did nothing. You had refused to leave Jeff's beside, clasping his hand, as if your own life depended on it.

No sleep.

There were dark circles under your eyes; your [eye color] orbs which were usually so lively with a passionate fire were now dull like charred like wood that had been burned and wet so there would be no sparks left. That was exactly how you felt, too. You replied the scene in your mind over and over again. How could you have not done anything? You kept blaming yourself, telling yourself that you could have prevented it. You could have saved him.

There was only one man who stayed with you in the room. Eyeless Jack. Since he was the Creepypasta with the most knowledge of the human body and the medical profession. Although you two had been in the same room for the past couple of days, barely any conversation was exchanged.

The monitor kept moving with his pulse.

Although this was a good sign, it gave you no hope. If Jeff kept this way, not waking up and eating nothing, he would surely die soon. Tears threatened to spill over again at the thought when I voice interrupted the silence. "Don't you dare start crying again." You looked over to the grey-skinned man, who's eyes were still concentrated on his patient.

"And why exactly not?" you asked. Usually, the reply would have been more snappy, but you had no energy, nor will, to do that.

"Do you think Jeff would want you to be blubbering about, crying at every time you thought about him?" You looked down, examining his white face.

"Why would he care? I only annoyed him since he first broke into my cabin."

"Pfft." That was it. You snapped your head towards EJ, a small spark reviving.

"Excuse me," you snapped. "What is so funny?" He 'looked' back, although, because of his name, it kind of creeped you out, since he had no eyes anymore.

"Sure, Jeff tried to kill you and all, but-."

"Yeah, because my almost death can be taken so lightly," you growled.

"Let me finish." His British-accented voice never wavered, nor rose, giving it an eerie feel. Actually, everything about this guy gave you an eerie feel. You raked your mind for an answer as to WHY you had stayed with him all of this time. "Sure, he wanted to kill you, but that's what he does to the things he cares about." You blinked, completely lost.


Jack looked down at Jeff, sighing. "He actually has a brother; Lui. They don't get along too much anymore because Jeff tried to strangle him in his sleep. He wanted to protect him from the world that was so harsh on him, so he thought that it would be better if he died innocent."

"But things didn't go that way?" He nodded.

"His parents came in, so he fled out the window. They took Lui to the hospital and he heard a nurse badmouthing Jeff. He gouged out her eyes and left." You cringed. "He then grew a split personality; Sully. Lui is the side that still thinks of Jeff as a great big brother, but Sully just wants him dead."

You stared at Jeff, unable to put together any words. You just slowly took his hand. "He never tried this hard to kill someone before you." You looked up at him, tears in your eyes.

"What are you trying to say?" You could tell that if Jack had any eyes, he'd be rolling them. "Just tell me!" you demanded after a couple of minutes of silence.

"Isn't it obvious? He loves you." Those words hit you like a ton of bricks. The breaking into your cabin, the returning each and every night, the kiss in the woods. . . How long had he known about you? Your mind was running crazy, unable to get it to slow down so you could respond. "The real question is, do you love him?" You sat there, mouth slightly agape. He didn't wait for an answer. He stood and walked out the door, leaving you to your thoughts.

Do you love Jeff?

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