ONE.1| "Babe?"

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Relationships, boyfriends, they aren't everything but when you're trying to enjoy your lonely and very single life, it seems like the whole world is against you and you're just a third wheel in everything even, between a chair and table. They really are otp.

"You're just jealous, Jay," Millie, my best friend teases, clasping on to Dallas's arm, her boyfriend and my other best friend, "Jealous Jay! JJ!" She repeats, excited, she really thought she did something, huh?

I groan in annoyance, "I'm not, I just don't like all this PDA," semi-lie, if I wasn't a cranky single whose friends wouldn't stop rubbing their relationships in my face, I wouldn't mind.

"Yeah, yeah, you're also afraid of dying single, with a house full of fish," she says, adding the last bit while rolling her eyes.

Firstly fish, because I can't deal with taking care of any proper domestic pets and their fur, ew no thanks.

"I'm not afraid, I'd actually rather prefer that," I huff, turning my back to them and walking ahead, around the store

Why did I choose to 3rd wheel, actually why did that stupid boyfriend decide to tag along and ruin our girl time!

I mean it was different in the past when we hung out because that time we were all actually just friends but now I'm always left standing in the side, pushed into aisles or roads when the space is not big enough for all three of us. That's just evil!

"Just admit it," Dallas pushes with a smug look on his face. Ohh how I wish to wipe that smile off this face!

"Fine, I'm not jealous of your relationship," I stick my tongue out at them, while a sly smile appears on my face as I come up with an idea, "I'm not single, like I said I don't like all this PDA so and you never know, I just might have a secret relationship with this Handsome Greek god," I gush over my imaginary boyfriend.

They both pause and blink, before bursting into laughter. Great.

I mean I was joking so I'm not offended, who'd wanna date a potato. Mr Potato, where you at!

"Yeah we'll believe you once you show us your 'handsome Greek god'," Dallas scoffs after his laughing fit.

I smirk, gesturing them to follow, I lead them to a poster of a model I saw earlier, I mean he was literally an angel. The kinda man you only see on screen, read about or your dreams.

"Meet my handsome Greek god," I introduce, turning around to face the annoying couple, hoping they play along.

"Jay-"Millie suddenly stops laughing, then looks confused, "erm... You sure?"

"100%" I smile proudly, don't doubt my imaginary boyfriend!

"I mean you weren't lying about your description, but, you sure?" Dallas smiles but looks up a little slightly in confusion.

It's not that high...

"Alright calm down, I know he's making you rethink your sexuality, but please stop," I shake my head at him, he's mine!

Dallas hold his hands up in surrender, "geez, sorry I'm not gonna steal your man,"damn right you won't!

"So, how did you guys meet?" Millie asks, excited. Awh, she really is playing along.

So, I decide to continue the joke, "well, I met him at this museum, you know where they keep all the art," including him.

"Museum?" They both questioned, furrowing their brows, Dallas continues, "you hate museums,"

I shrug, "Yeah well they were holding an exhibition, I saw the artwork and was like 'meh his cute, I'll keep him," I explained, making no sense.

"Jaya, what the hell?! You can't just-why would you- what is even happening?!" Millie huffs waving her hands around, looking frustrated.

Geez, calm down... I thought we were just playing...

"How come you never told us?" Millie asks, folding her arms and glaring at me, while still looking hurt at the same time. Maybe because I just made it up now...

"Well, he's a little shy," I whisper, moving my hands back, to touch the poster. What the hell?

"I guess he comes in manikin version as well," I mumble, touching the hard chest, a very toned and detailed chest or is that his ab-

"Okay, Jaya 'I hate PDA', no need to feel him up now," Dallas comments, rolling his eyes.

"Oh, jealous Dallas," I tease, mimicking their words from earlier, "Jealous Jay," gosh I'm so funny.

"That does not work and totally, so jealous," he says, rolling his eyes, again.

"Dude, stop rolling your eyes, they might get stuck but, if you're trying to find a brain back their, good luck," I smile at his glaring face.

"Ask your boyfriend if he wants to go eat with us," Millie points, nudging her head towards the manikin.

Erm...bish how? Does she want me to rob the manikin? Maybe I could just ask the store manger if I could borrow it? No Jaya that's just weird! Never mind...

Ignoring the stupid question I play along, "Okay sure, erm excuse me, boyfriend would you like to go eat with us?" I asked, cupping my ears and pause, then respond,


"Awh no, his to bu-holy mother of cheesecakes, what the f^ck!"I yell, taking steps away from the creepy talking manikin.

I gulp and slowly turn around to face a literally handsome Greek god of a model, even though he was wearing a black hat and sunglasses - inside? Anyways, I could still see his perfect features.


He was smirking and staring at me in amusement and then he decided to open his beautiful mouth and speak,


Oh, fudge!

- Authors Note -

Hey guys! Also extra hello to my peeps that came here from my other book!

The first chapter is hereeeeeeee! Also, I know it's not realistic, it's just fiction, just enjoy the cheese.

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter, thank you for reading, commenting and voting.



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