SEVEN.2| "Open up, honey bunny,"

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"So if you get two and I get two, we can get two free!" I exclaimed, damn I'm so smart!

Dylan turned to me and gave me a blank look, "we're not getting 6 ice creams,"

I pout, "but why? We can get all the flavours,"

He raises a brow, "we can also get diabetes,"

I turn back head from him, imitating him, 'we can also get diabetes', who is he? My boyfriend? Wait, he is currently, only for the sake of free ice cream!

"What can I get you?" I hear the cashier guy ask, I quickly turn back to the guy and scan the Ice cream options, as I lean against the glass.

Why is this decision so hard?!

"You decided yet?" Dylan bends down slightly, his face really close to mine, "you should try the mango mix, it's really nice," he suggests, I turn my head a little to face Dylan, only for my face to be inches from his.

I swear he better not turn his head!

If I just move like an inch, I'd probably be able to kiss his cheek so if he turned his head, I'd...yeah let's not...

However, Dylan doesn't turn his head all the way, just the slightest, he catches me staring at me like a deer caught in the headlights and winks...

I think my heart wants to jump off a bridge today.

I rapidly blink, averting my eyes and look up to the cashier guy, "I'll-I'll have the coconut one," I point at the glass.

I hear Dylan chuckle and stand up straight beside me, "And I'll take the cookies and cream one," Wait they had that?!

Damn it I wanna change my flavour now!

The cashier guy nods, "Okay and what flavour would you like the free one?"

Dylan looks down at me and raises his brows in question,

"The mango mix?" I say, Dylan smiles and nods, telling the cashier who nods his head and gets the ice creams ready.

"Here you go?" The guy smiles, handing the ices to us, I take my one and Dylan gets the other two,

I would've offered to pay but see I thought I was just returning a jacket not getting ice cream so I never brought my bag with me. I told him and he simply said, "you can treat me next time," as if I was going out with him again.

"Let's sit here," I point at a booth, running towards it and sitting on one side, Dylan's slides into the other side, in front of me and places the ice creams on the table.

"So how you been?" I ask, trying to make conversation, while eyeing his ice cream, I just really wanted the ice cream.

"Do you want the ice cream?" He smirks, lifting a bit with his spoon, giving my best puppy face, I nod.

He moves the spoon towards me but before I could have some he takes it back and just eats

I give him a blank look, "fine," I give my best 'I'm gonna kill you' smile and reach for the free Ice cream, but he notices and pulls it away,

I gasp, "why are you doing this to me? What have I ever done to you?" I exaggerate, I huff in annoyance and turn my head away from him, sitting on the edge of my seat. I'll just pretend he's not here. Because, if he's not here then that means neither is that tempting ice cream.

"Awhh, remember when what was us," I hear an elderly mans voice, looking up I notice an elderly couple walking past us.

The lady stops and frowns, "but it seems like they had an argument," I star at them, I don't know if I should tell them off for being noisy but, they're old and cute.

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