FOUR.1| "I'd sell him for a leaf,"

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"What's wrong with her?" I whisper, pointing at Sarah who was sat across me, looking like a complete zombie

"Erm, she's having a rough time," Millie whispers back and continues, "her dad's not letting her buy any more magazines and her browsers kinda on lockdown, so she can't go on certain websites,"

"And you guys say my family is crazy," I roll my eyes and continue eating my chips.

We were sat outside in a circle in our usual place, under a tree which was a few minutes away from campus.

"They are so annoying," Sarah cries.

"Why are they doing this again?" I ask, furrowing my brows, this isn't the first time this has happened,

"Because my grades are slipping and they think I'm slacking off and wasting their money, in order to prevent that they've gone crazy. So, now I have no other choice but to solely focus on my studies," she explained, gritting her teeth at the last sentence.


"No offence but they're not wrong, they just want the best for you. Also since it's end of year exams they probably just worried more," I try and reassure her. Ever since she's started buying magazines, she's gone full-on crazy and devoted her life to them.

"I don't even know the current gossip or whatever's happening in celebrity land," she groaned, throwing a fit.

I mean we could tell her, but we won't... It's best for her.

"So Jay," Millie turns to me, "how's your boyfriend?"

Oh no

It's been weeks since I last heard from him or saw him, luckily we haven't had any random bump ins and stuff.

"He's alright, busy with work and stuff," I shrug, mentally praying that she drops the topic.

"I still haven't seen him," Sarah frowns, seeming to have brushed her problem aside, "Do you have a picture?" she nudges her head at my phone that was in front of me.

"He's shy, never likes taking pictures," I reason, shoving crips in my mouth, I should've just broken up with him.

"Come one, you have to have one at least," Sarah groans, showing me her puppy dog face.

"Erm, I'll have a look," I say, they both happily clap.

"Erm, you know you need to use your phone to actually find a picture," Millie points out, looking at me.

Dumbass you think I don't know that!

"I think there's no charge," I pretend to frown in disappointment-


Fudge my life...

"Oh there's charge, please just one picture," she pleads, holding up her index finger.

Mentality groaning, I pick up my phone and pretend to look through it, avoiding Josh's text about where I hid the remote because he ruined my perfect plan.

Suddenly I remember that I have his number, maybe he has a picture on his profile pic, going through my contact I find no Dylan, but I do find 'My Sexy Boyfriend❤️'... I wonder who that might be...

Sarah continues staring at me with pleading eyes, "Please Jay, I'll buy you McDonald's,"

"Just a minute," with no plan, I text Dylan

Send me a picture you assshit! Quick my life depends on this!

After a full minute, my phone finally buzzes and Dylan's message pops up

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