Chapter 10

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"I need you all to stand back and do not interfere at any time." Silas said and Klaus shook from anger.

"If she is harmed I will interfere whether you like it, or not." Klaus smirked anger.

"Klaus I'll be fine. Lets get this over with." I said as I looked at him then Silas.

"You need to grab my arms, you'll feel a pull, like a moth to a flame. You'll feel some pain, but it'll only get worse if you let go." He warned me and I hesitantly reached my hands out towards his arms. Obviously not fast enough since he grabbed my arms making me gasp as I felt the pull he described. I saw him and Amara kiss, then how he tricked Quetsia. When he saw Amara dead, or so he thought. I saw the steps as he learned how to fight, practice magic, and live all in flashes. I felt his pain, hunger, lose, heartbreak, anger, hurt, sorrow. Every emotion there is, I felt his. Just as it started it ended. I stumbled backwards as I grabbed my chest gasping for air. I heard someone move behind me and I ran and had them pinned on the tree by their throat. I gasped a I saw Klaus' shocked face.

"Oh my God! Klaus! Im so sorry! I didn't even know what I was doing!" I said apologetically as I let go of his neck backing away.

"I guess it worked, then." Kol smirked.

"There's only one way to find out." Silas said.

"And what's that?" I asked and Kol, Elijah, Rebekah, and Klaus circled me.

"You're joking! I can't take all of y." I didn't get to finish my sentence as Kol ran towards me. It was like a filter was lifted from my eyes. I felt like I could see everything as if they were walking or frozen. I sidestepped Kol and spun on him as I picked him up from the ground slamming him on the ground hearing a crack. Before I could register what happened to Kol I heard footsteps running towards me and I ran towards a tree doing a backflip as Rebekah ran towards the tree where I was. When she looked at me shocked after she spun towards me I looked apologetically towards her as I snapped her neck spinning around facing the stronger Mikaelson's. I now stood between them in the center as Klaus was on my right and Elijah on my left.

"I really don't want to do this!" I said worried as I glanced between the two.

"What are you afraid?" Klaus asked me taunting me.

"Of the two strongest Original siblings? Yes!" I growled exasperated.

"You can beat them. Remember why you're doing this." Silas said and I took a deep breath as Elijah and Klaus ran at me. I jumped as high as I could and jumped behind Elijah, he looked shocked as I came behind him snapping his neck. Then I saw Klaus standing in front of me smirking.

"Still afraid are we?" He taunted as he started circling me while smirking.

"No!" I growled.

"Oh, really?" Klaus smirked as he lunged at me his fingertips touching my left arm as I quickly sidestepped him. I turned around lifting him up and throwing him into a tree as he slumped down growling.

"That hurt." He growled.

"Sorry." I said and he lunged at me again this time slipping my feet from underneath me. I landed on my back with a grunt, growling I launched my feet up bouncing me back up standing. He smirked as I glared at him and we ran at each other. We ran at each other neither slowing, I slid under his feet jumping as I stood behind him, with my hands around his neck.

"I win." I huffed out of breath smirking.

"You have to break my neck to win." He said and he had me pinned underneath him with his hands beside my head, while he smirked.

"I can't carry you all back. I need help." I whispered out of breath at our close proximity.

"Oh, I see. So, shall we?" He asked as he stood up and I laid there shocked with my mouth open.

"Close your mouth, love. Wouldn't want to catch flies now would you?" He teased and I glared at him as I stood wiping my hands off on my pants.

"I'll grab Rebekah. You can grab Elijah and Kol." I smirked.

"Really, love?" He smirked.

"Yes really." I laughed, not for long since I heard clapping.

"Good job." Silas congratulated.

"Thanks!" I said hesitant and he nodded his head.

"Tomorrow be on alert. He will be here." Silas said.

"Okay. Will you be around when this goes down?" I asked.

"Yes, I will." He said.

"Okay. See you tomorrow." I said.

"Goodbye, Caroline. Klaus." He said disappearing as he ran off.

"Ready?" I asked as I turned to look at Klaus who was gone, along with Elijah. I sighed annoyed and hoisted Rebekah over my right shoulder and ran to the Mikaelson's.

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