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"you don't believe in happy endings?
what does that even mean, preston?
you don't believe in us?"

"i never said that."

"but you're implying it."

"i love you, i do, but vivian, at one
point in our lives, something could
happen to you or to me, and that
would really hurt one of us, okay?"

"that has no logic! just because
you're terrified of your future
since your mom was trapped in
south korea and your dad died,
doesn't mean you just get to
prevent yourself from being happy
with what we have!"

"you don't get it. happy endings
are only in movies. they don't

"yeah, i guess i don't get it,
because that's bullshit! i
mean, come on! i am not
going to be with you if you
think this is temporary!"

"so what? you think we'll get
married and have children and
live in a fucking cookie cutter
house and grow old together?
get your sights in mind! there
is no such thing as a happy

"not if you don't try."


"whatever. i'm leaving. too bad
you think we aren't worth fighting

"so, what? that's it? you're
breaking up with me?"

"yeah. yeah, i am."

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